Adora and Adam are blonde yet there parents are not blonde is that weird or is that normal.
shareAdora and Adam are blonde yet there parents are not blonde is that weird or is that normal.
Yes it is a bit strange if you ask me.
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb"-Batman.
First of, it's a cartoon. A fabulous cartoon, but still fiction.
Second, my aunt and uncle have red and black hair respectivly. Two of their four kids are blond. My grandmother had blond hair, both my uncle's parents were blondes. Genes are tricky things.
"You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means"
My parent have black hair and brown hair and i have very redish blonde and my brother has red
shareboth my parents have dark brown hair like me yet my 2 sisters are blonds, so unless my mother was having it off with a blonde-haired milkman i'd say it's quite normal
I didn't get to where I am today by being nice!!!!!!!
If some of your relatives are blonde then you are safe, otherwise Milk man for sure...😂😂
shareI'm not a geneticist...and while it did make me think a couple times how Adam and Adora ended up fair-haired when neither parent is...I know a family where the kids are fair and mom and dad are not. All of the mom's siblings are fair, though. She just happened to miss out on the blonde gene. So I don't know if it's the recessive gene, or what ever, but it's not impossible for non-blonde parents to have blonde kids.
shareWe're talking about shows in another Galaxy where people have magical powers and animals can speak and the hair color situation is looked at as peculiar?
If we're looking for a logical answer (and a few posts above have explained it pretty well that genetics doesn't always work that way) another answer can be...genetics and biology may work different on Eternia and Adam and Adora are half human/half eternian.
Look at it this way about Adam and Adora's parents. Their Mom is from Earth and their Dad is a native of Eternia. What i see is it could be because of how The Queen's hair is a red color that could be the reason their children are blonde because of how thier mom's hair is a lighter shade than thier dad.
My aunt and uncle both have brown hair, their two kids are a blonde and a redhead.
Pretty wild.
"Know that when you look into the abyss.....the abyss also looks into you."
It's normal. My parents had black and brown hair, but mine was blonde as a baby, though it later darkened.
House. My room. Can't walk. My medal. My father. Father, don't!