the book? anybody?

sans the woodsy jack black moments, i really hated this movie. but i rather enjoyed the book it was based on. is anyone with me on this? anyone?


oops shoulda read this first to stay on topic.
i repeat: this movie has a book?? this crap ass movie HAS a book...a real one. yeah....


I read the book. Liked the movie better. Luke Wilson, Jack Black, Andy Dick, Jeremy Sisto? heheh. The movie's got a mellow style I dig. Watching Luke Wilson dump a rucksack full of herb onto the floor was great. I had fun checking out the backgrounds of different scenes, like when David is sitting on the couch and there's a painting of a boxer getting whomped. David walking around a gallery with a big ass red bong he just got as a gift and then naming it Big Red made me chuckle. I look forward to seeing this again with some friends and a couple of j's.


I really prefer the book and think the film would have been much better if they had based it totally on the book. But since I enjoy all the actors and have a good laugh at the comedy, I like the film too.



HATED the movie, mostly because the book was SO good.

Although the Jack Black scenes were funny.
