Good Acid Trips Anyone?
has anyone out there had a good acid trip like the one jack black endures in this movie; if so .. where are u from and what was ur trip like?
sharehas anyone out there had a good acid trip like the one jack black endures in this movie; if so .. where are u from and what was ur trip like?
shareI dosed last weekend up in the mountains in Oregon near the coast. The first couple hours of the trip we sat on grass in front of a stream and walked through the forest (which the acid made appear alive and moving).
We then went to an Imax movie called "Sea Monsters". It was *beep* scary. The acid peaked during the movie. Then we started to slowly come down off the trip, so we got some beer and smoked flavored blunts. I couldn't sleep until the acid was completely out of my mind, around 8am, 17 hours after dosing. 5 hits was a bit much, in hindsight. I haven't been that messed up since smoking DMT.
I would advise that people NOT smoke DMT unless they are a determined mental constitution. The same goes with mescaline. Seriously.
Happy tripping.
DMT.. nice, almost impossible to find though.
I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it.
Edgar Allan Poe
I tripped on acid once in high school. It made everything look like a tool or nin video. Everything was the same color as the closer video. But it really did enlighten me so to speak. It changed the way I saw the world afterwards
“If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten” - George Carlin
never done DMT but i want to. love mescaline esp san pedro cacti its so tranquil. good positive vibe. almost like ecstasy. acid and shrooms rule though.
I ate some acid at a plantation home me and my buddies were staying at. Sitting on the upstairs porch smoking and tripping balls, then riding 4wheelers up logging roads at 3 or 4 in the morning. Pretty damn fun. But then again, most of my stories start with "This one time I we were *beep* up and..."
shareriding 4 wheelers while ur trippin? jesus. the closest i ever got to that was i was driving my car around while i was tripping and every piece of light around me was flashing and twirling around i thought cops were pulling me over. i finally got to the house where i was safe and ive trippd many times since then but never in a moving vehicle again.
shareThere was a 20 year old college drop out living a block away from me a few years ago, he was obsessed with LSD, mushrooms, etc. One Saturday night he took a bunch of mushrooms by himself and for some reason he walked into a neighbors apartment unit and they called the cops. When the cops came he was out of his mind and ran off around the complex and the cops ended up blowing his head off. Some of the dangers of psychadelic drugs, not exactly "safe." True story, google up Jordan Liard Chase---Tualatin Oregon. I remeber hearing all the sirens blazing moments after this happened, but don't recall hearing any gunshots. Don't mess around with the cops in Suburban Portland, they are very quick to shoot.
i always love that one
God praise the American Police O___o
damn, what a sad story captkirk...
btw: bongwater is one of the worst stoner movies ever :D