I think the confusion comes from the fact that the marketing company who got a hold of this misbranded it as a "Cheech and Chong" genre screwball comedy when it was just another "twenty-something" tale that was common in the independent film genre of the time. I'd expect the same reaction if in 1977 the industry had taken the finished product of Star Wars and decided to market it to middle ages women into soap operas as a love story. It is telling of the mindset of a lot of commentators that the scenes I enjoyed the least (the retarded singing and antics of Jack Black in the woods) is their favorite part. The marketers probably figured there was more money to be made in the "Cheech and Chong" genre than in another B grade entry twenty-something "guy chases quirky girl" flicks. The "Cheech and Chong" genre is guaranteed to bring a fair amount of revenue from those room temperature IQ types you see making idiotic posts here like "MAN, YOU SEE THOSE BUDS!!! MAN, HE HAD THE KIND BUDS MAN, AWESOME MAN!!!" Perhaps if they had titled the movie without some drug reference people would have expected something different. That being said it is a B rate movie, One minute Serena is walking into his house, the next minute they are breaking up from an implied love affair that never gets developed with any screen time. The whole "lovesick" melancholy following from Luke Wilson's character makes little sense without the missing scenes where something must have developed between him and the crazy chick. Some of the better scenes are with the two gay friends who are some of the only likable characters in the movie, and towards the end with two parallel scenes of Luke Wilson getting jilted in the hot tube followed by Serena waking up on Fenton's floor. I don't really think the UFO was real, it was a silly plot device to show that somehow, something is supposed to click between the two protagonists in the end and they realize they are on the same wavelength. If there had been more development of the relationship early on and less meandering scenes in the middle of the movie this might have been a better film.