Abortion was illegal then, certainly, and remained so until 1973, when the Supreme Court ruled that it was legal. Still, some states did and do prohibit it in varying degrees or require parental consent. Hospitals can refuse to perform them, usually do to religious or "moral" objections.
In Ciderhouse Rules, you see that Homer does NOT want to perform abortions, but after he sees what Rose Rose goes through (and the other part about her pregnancy that is MORE troubling), he realizes that for some people, there are few options.
Another film that dealt with abortion was "Dirty Dancing", taking place in 1962. If you saw it, you'll remember (are spoilers needed? Okay...) that Penny had to go to a sleazy guy "with a dirty knife and folding table", who gave her an infection. Baby's father, a doctor is called in and treats her, but is furious. This danger of women seeking out untrained "doctors" for abortions is the argument for abortion availability, not an argument for just having them as birth control.
As for the "making history" thing, it was true that not only was it rare for whites to work for blacks, even as supervisors, but Homer was also living in the same quarters, which was unheard of back then. (I love the reading of the stupid rules...and how one of the guys says, "Why don't they just say, 'Don't go up on the roof?').
And yes, migrant workers do come to New England every late summer and fall to harvest apples and other fruit. I live near where "The Ciderhouse Rules" was filmed, in Northampton, Mass., (at a former mental hospital, now gone) and Brattleboro, VT. The orchard can be seen from the highway, Interstate 91, just past the MA/VT state line. Only the coastal scenes were filmed in Maine...or perhaps Nova Scotia! Migrant workers come here every year, but now the housing is much better than just a shack and the kids are given the option of taking classes if they want. Orchard and farm work like this is also done by young people, such as high school students.
I didn't think your question was invalid at all! DO they teach this stuff in school anymore? NO! Props to you for your interest in history and culture.
She deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die.