Thoughts on Pro-Choice

Okay, so I'm not going to say which side of the debate I'm on, but something I've always wondered is this:

The pro-life side of the debate is, obviously, for life. Duh.

The pro-choice side of the debate is, obviously, for choosing. Double duh....or is it?

It sometimes seems to me that those on the pro-choice side SAY that they're all for women being able to CHOOSE, and yet when people CHOOSE to be pro-life, its should I put it? The *wrong* choice? Am I making any sense?

It's like they're saying, "Go ahead and make a choice, just make sure it's one we agree with."

I could be completely off the mark here (and I'm sure they'll be countless, irate responses saying I am, blah, blah, blah), but I was just wondering if anyone else feels this way or has had this same thought...?


Nope. It's not that the ones that choose life choose wrongly. What's wrong is that the pro-lifers take out the right of a woman (or a couple) to choose not to have a baby. You won't see the "pro-choice-mob" screaming and yelling at someone because that someone chose to have the baby.

Friends are the family that we choose




If you are pro choice, you don't care what other people choose to do as long as they are able to make a choice.

Love's turned to lust and blood's turned to dust in my heart.


I am Pro me that means it is a decision made by either a couple and their doctor, or a single woman and her doctor...leave the government out of the equation...period.


Pro-choice people are people that feel it's up to the people directly involved with the situation to make the decision.

Pro-Life people are people that feel it's up to them to make decisions for other people.


Pro-choice people don't care if you have a baby or not, they only care that your decision was your CHOICE.
I had a friend who got pregnant at 19. I was with her when she found out she was pregnant. At that point in her life, she had dropped out of high school, did not have her driver's license, never had a job, was living in a tiny one bedroom apartment with her parents (she was sleeping in the living room), and was in an abusive relationship with her on-and-off boyfriend. Despite my own opinions of what I would do in a situation like that, I told her that her choice was up to her. She didn't believe in abortion for herself (she'd been adopted) so she had the baby.
Now, 5 years later, nothing about her situation has changed except the child has grown. I won't sit here and tell her she made a mistake, because that is an adorable living, breathing 5 year old girl, but I do find it quite sad that this child is being raised with a father in jail and a mother in poverty with no education or life skills.
Pro-life people just want everyone to conform to their beliefs. They use tactics of shame, manipulation, guilt, and outright abuse to women who are struggling to make a choice that is never easy to begin with.
