Is it legal in the United States?
A Prayer for the Wild at Hearts Kept in Cages
now yes , then No not at all
shareIt is not only legal, but it is goverment funded thanks to Roe vs Wade.
Interesting post wendil - not sure of your point, if any, but interesting, nevertheless (although it had impact I didn't really like the use of the word tumour in that context!)
shareI have read Roe V Wade and don't remeber it saying anything about funding.
shareWould you rather the government pay for a $400 abortion or a child on welfare to the age of 18 ... oh yeah, and don't forget the children of that child, and the children of that child, and the ...
shareRight...kill the babies, save the money. A little demented don't you think? There is an alternative, a dirty little word...adoption.
shareHave you ever noticed that abortion is more available to minorities and they are more pressured to use this procedure than adoption? It is genocide hidden in a social package. All women need to make an informed choice, not just make a reaction due to some politician's agenda.
*The shape-shifter is in and will take your calls now.
I'd much rather the government pay for the abortion than waste money on welfare
shareTo be honest,
I am disgusted by some of the things people have said on here. Why write abortion off as an economic solution? I have news for you people. Not every single woman who gets an abortion is some poor woman who plans on sucking on the government. Women from every class, income bracket, race, culture, etc have abortions. I do agree with the poster who said minorities are more susceptible to abortion. Notice how there are a lot of abortion clinics in lower income areas? Margaret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood, had an agenda to eradicate what she viewed as "less of a race". Statistics prove that there is an assault on minority children.
Frankly, I would rather my tax dollars pay for LIFE than death. Who says all of these kids will end up on welfare? Clearly some people value MONEY over the lives of innocent children.
I am not a radical pro lifer. By that, I mean I don't picket clinics and scream at women who walk in that they're going to hell. I would encourage any woman to review her options rather than just go for an abortion. I would definitely encourage her NOT to do it.
Mist, that's what I meant to say. It's like they want to choose what kinds if people are worthy to live! I am glad that my poor ancestors were allowed to live and chose life. I just strongly believe a woman, poor rich or hard working should know what she is getting into. Every other procedure you are told all the gory details and "could be's." Even meds as simple as aspirin, they tell you all the side effects,but abortion it is glossed over and made a political issue. It is a woman's issue and women need to be informed brfore going through with this, not told, "You can have a baby when you can make ends meet. Here are some more: there's too many people anyway, You need to finish your education (yeah, tell that to all the moms going back to school and making it!), what kind of life would your baby have adopted out, you'll never see her again! (You won't see him/her if she's DEAD.) You need to stand up for all the women that couldn't have abortions in generations past - you go girl! Yeah, those are lame reasons. Find out exactly what the repercussions are. I know a lady who would have loved to have babies. She had several abortions as a single woman when she first came to the states and was always told what a safe procedure it was. She has so much scar tissue she was unable to have those babies. I am sick of some of these clinics shoving a bill of goods down the throats of some women, all in the name of money and/ or calling it "rights." It's my right to be an infromed consumer and patient.
*The shape-shifter is in and will take your calls now.
I'm a perfect world we would all have respect for life, all women would have the support of their partners, rape wouldn't exist, prostitution would be eliminated and economic imbalance would be something in the past. Unfortunately we are in a society that kids get abused by single women partners, women dealing with a low income situation are often left to deal with the child themselves, rape and abuse still exist.
Is ugly and disgusting to reduce a human life to the minimum term of money but the governament has to deal with the issue, every single child who is responsibility of the satate cost a great deal of money to the glovernament, up to the age of 18. I know is not pretty but is a issue that has to be addressed.
I do believe is important that women ave the choice to be in control of what happen to their body and to decide for themselves.