My thoughts on the ending
I'll admit that I was a little disappointed in the ending of this film, but I do applaud the writer(s) for taking a chance on something different.
My first reaction was to be offended at the portrayal of disabled people, but then again, the portrayal of everyone in that film was in a negative sense.. pretend that we lived in a world where ableism is rare, and being disabled in one way or the other is "normal." If this movie came out in that world, the minoirty of able-bodied people would be offended at the portrayal of their group because all the characters are complete selfish, moronic, corrupt, immoral, irrational, crazy, manipulative a$$h0les. you see what I'm getting at?
Another thing that i thought of after reflecting on the ending, was the exagerated chaos, difficulty, and cruelty of the two men in wheelchairs and kids in the back yard... it appears to be completely ridiculous/over-the-top/offensive, but I have a feeling the behavior of the characters might be the delusional perspective of Cameron Diaz's character. She was a complete control freak, and everything had to be absolutely perfect to the finest detail otherwise she'd freak.. so I'm thinking that the situation may not have been as negative, but her skewed perspective may have been what was presented in the end, which leads to her breakdown. The feeling of the last scene was nothing like the rest of the movie, which is why i'm thinking i think it was supposed to be the imaginative perspective of CD. After thinking about it like this, I can appreciate the ending more... its still not what I would have in mind, but then again, you cant beat the originality of it.