
the problem I had with this movie is that they force us to watch So many horrible things... it was over load to my senses....
For me if the whole movie was JUST them getting rid of JUST ONE BODY.... that would be enough.... what they subjected me to is too much...



easy with the name calling there buddy. I hated this movie, nothing but grown men just screaming at each other through out the whole movie. I wanted to kill myself for even seeing this piece of *beep* If you want a great black comedy movie, go rent Fargo.


Fargo - Coen Brothers-What ev's



Yes, a truly horrible movie, and a very scathingly true look at how obnoxious and sad heterosexuals are.


I agree that it's a truly horrible movie because... wait, what?


ok, "dietplum" I guess since your mind is rotted to such a great extent you might find logic in such a fallacious statement. Right up there with you Darwinian failures choosing a lifestyle unfit to propagate the species. And before you make the "Not a choice" argument, consider that if homosexuality was hereditary, it would have died out centuries ago- due to natural selection.


No one here has said that homosexuality is hereditary. Still, a very silly statement on dietplum's part.


This isn't dietplums only heterophobic post on this movies board. In fact he started a whole thread for it.

Apparently pussy makes men go on insane murder rampages.

As for the film being too "horrible", get over it. Violent movies aren't for everyone. You're entitled to your opinion, but just because it was too much for you doesn't mean its a crappy movie.

My guess is you rented it thinking it would be light hearted, like Dead Man on Campus. Well its not. And thats what makes it so great.

Stop watching R rated movies, you're too sensitive for them.

I should have just done the honest thing and murdered those emus




Theres a clue in the title.


It's overload. There was a good movie here but too much abuse. The murder should've happened in the middle of the movie. It was too soon, then everything was a bore. More yelling really.


the movie is called "very bad things" for a reason


This film should be titled "Very Much Yelling".



Nah, it should have been called Very Bad Movie.


I feel the body count was just too high. I know it was a black comedy, but it could have got loads of laughs and a bit more credibility with fewer corpses.


Agreed...I chuckled maybe twice and the whole time I just was repulsed. I'm a big fan of these actors too. Guess it was nice seeing Christian Slater re-create his role from Heathers.


It is a movie that tried to be a black comedy but failed. The ending was just too mean. Cameron Diaz's character was never meant to be likeable but even her she did not deserve an ending like that. She never had my sympathy but I didn't laughed at the ending. Horrible Bosses, Death at a Funeral, Little Shop of Horrors, To Die For, were films where they handled the combination of laughter and discomfort better than Very Bad Things.



I 100% agree with you, Other black comedies that handle dark situations better and are way more funnier are Fargo, Seven Psychopaths, and Observe and Report.


You must have liked Observe and Report more than I did. I found VBD to be considerably better than OaR. Too many unfunny bits in that one.


Yeah, Observe and Report is certainly not for everybody same as Very Bad Things. I really enjoyed Observe and Report but I do understand why people don't like it, I was just very disappointed with Very Bad Things and didn't find it very funny at all.


Really!!?? You are comparing Little Shop Of Horrors to Very Bad Things??? You think Little shop of horrors 'handles laughter and discomfort better. You're an idiot!


For the most part, I really enjoyed the movie. I think it's hilarious how one dead body keeps leading to another murder.

I could have done without the final scene though, felt the movie should have ended with the car crash and the two final buddies dead. The last scene was just far too ridiculous and a very weak attempt at being funny, which it wasn't. For me, that scene was quite amateurish in acting/shooting.


It's like a black comedy and a horror slasher together! I thought it was great. The film's title ain't no lie.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)
