So people don't look into things?
So this is but a handful of my thoughts watching this film last night:
1. The prostitute apparently has no pimp or anything that would notice that she went missing? Going missing at the hotel room at which she arrived that very same night I might add.
2. The security guard answers a disturbance-call and goes missing. And no-one bothers to check with the people that actually rented the room he was supposed to check?!
3. In order to dispose of the bodies they go extreme-shopping for big suit-cases, hacksaws, cleaning-utensils and the wazzoo... And when people clearly was looking for the guard that went missing in p2, This doesn't come up?!!
4. The people that stayed in the hotel-room where two missing persons mysteriously went missing the same night that those very same renters came in and out with all of the stuff in p3, SUDDENLY goes *beep* and start to die off in a series of freak accidents in close successions. No reason to look into this, none whatsoever?
In conclusion, All I've seen on CSI seems to be bogus. Or Grissom was on holiday that week. Because I doubt that the authorities in the Las Vegas of this movie would detect the sun while standing in the Nevada dessert at High Noon.
Also, yelling atop each other doesn't make it funny, just loud. So I'm left with a movie that's based on stupidity with characters I don't care about doing illogical decisions in a world where noone sees the blindingly obvious. Yep, some very bad things, bad things indeed.
I like black comedy, but not when it's based only on stupidity from all of the characters involved. This writing though, has been an exercise in futility I fear as I realize that it's 4:20 in the morning here and IMDB-postings values little in the real world. Why do I even bother in this case? I have no idea. I guess I just want to rant my thoughts out to the interwebs.