It does not exist because it has no definition for it to exist in the first place, it is anything people from the far right resist that is woke, that's all it is, and that is the only way you can spot it, so instead of examing the woke, its better to look at anti-woke, why don they resist it, and examine the psychology behind it.
I do not have to pretend it does not exist because I dont know what it is, like most people on this planet we only know anti-woke, because it makes itself known, it whines like a little baby when people have different views from them. It has been around all the time, older generations have always whined about big revolutions leaving the old ways behind. If woke means addressing problems in society, then we know where the problem is probably, in those who dont want the world know about it, whether they are conscious of it or not does not matter, unrestrained ego resists its own destruction.
Now I read some other posts describing woke as a possible representation in movies, oh okay then, that was always the case, especially during the WW2 or 1950's, jesus theres always been an agenda to bring attention to some issues. Filmmakers do it all the time, the more some groups of people are oppressed, the movie is bound to be made about it. Again, as I said, it is much wiser to look into the resistance, why do people resist woke. Do people realize that self realization is the key to freedom on earth and mental health? Repression and denial was never the answer.