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Trey Parker interview: No Trump this season, back to the boys

Season 21 starts Aug 31.

Trey Parker on giving voice to 'Despicable Me 3' villain, mulling the end of 'South Park' and ignoring Trump

“South Park” turns 20 this year. Has it gotten harder over those years to do satirical comedy, especially now that everyone on the Internet can make their own jokes off the latest news within seconds?

Yeah, and it’s also just gotten boring. We weren’t ever really that show. We would do an entire season and there would be one moment that played off something that had just happened and people would go, “ ‘South Park’ is the show that does that.” And that’s just not true. We’re not.

We did start to become that, though, especially the last season. We fell into the same trap that “Saturday Night Live” fell into, where it was like, “Dude, we’re just becoming CNN now. We’re becoming: ‘Tune in to see what we’re going to say about Trump.’ ” Matt and I hated it but we got stuck in it somehow.

This season I want to get back to Cartman dressing up like a robot and [screwing] with Butters, because to me that’s the bread and butter of “South Park”: kids being kids and being ridiculous and outrageous but not “did you see what Trump did last night?” Because I don’t give a ... anymore.

We probably could put up billboards — “Look what we’re going to do to Trump next week!” — and get crazy ratings. But I just don’t care.


They definitely became like SNL where they take a joke build a lame premise around it and bury it into the ground and have no idea how to finish the skit/episode.

However, they should run TV ads saying, "Look what we're going to do to Trump this week!" and it's just a regular episode, kinda like that Terrance and Phillip troll episode. That would be fun.


Thank goodness for that. It's so hard not having a good South Park episode that I have to watch old episodes every week for my fix. Just watched Chinpokomon today 😂


Changed date!

Originally slated for Aug. 23, season 21 of the popular cartoon will now premiere Sept. 13, according to Comedy Central.


Sadly Parker is a pathetic LIAR.


Its more like back to Randy being a libtard.
