The fall of Michael Corleone Vs The fall of Anakin Skywalker
If you watch The Godfather, asides from all the spectacular bloodshed, one of the great aspects is the core story - the downfall of Michael Corleone, a good man, a war hero, who wanted no part in the family "business".
When his poor helpless papa is gunned down in cold blood, it sets in motion the series of events which will see him become the very thing he least wanted to be, i.e. the despised head of the family (what's left of it) empire.
Of course the Star Wars prequels have many, many problems but perhaps most tragically is the baffoonish nature in which the fall of Anakin was handled. This culminates in Palps telling him - after he has helped murder Windu - that he doesn't, er, have the power to save Padme after all but, erm, if they work together I'm sure they can work it out! Anakin then laughably seems to just shug his shoulders (in for a penny, in for a pound?) and go along with it!
Terrific stuff. But how could they have handled it better? How should Anakin's fall have been written to give it some Corleone style gravitas?