Obi Wan Vs Anakin - The Myth Vs The Reality
Does anyone else recall in times of yore when the battle between Obi Wan and Anakin - on the side of a volcano - just just a thing of myth?
I do. In this fascinating piece I recall back in my very early childhood (perhaps even pre-dating the release of ROTJ) that both myself and my friends knew and would chat about this showdown and what it may have been like.
I don't know where this information came from - presumably some TV / magazine interview with George Lucas which had been shared around eventually becoming common knowledge...
Anyway after the disaster of the prequels, it was bittersweet to finally see this moment on-screen, especially given the over cgi-ness of it all.
What's kind of amusing is that while we can all shake our heads in dismay at the non canon status of some of the stuff in the prequels, we always knew George had this set up, even although it too breaks canon as quite clearly Vader is not "but a learner" at this point. Although I guess a canon version of the story could exist with Obi Wan taking down a much younger Anakin.