It seems like it is the Republic’s fault for collapse because they relied on an
outsourced army for self defense.
shareoutsourced army for self defense.
shareMany fans have discussed and debated as to why the Republic had become so ineffective when it came to outside threats, and eventually fell to become the Empire. The conclusions they came to were these:
- The system had just become too damned big and complicated, with politicians living light-years away from their planets and expecting help from the Republic's resources, and often being forced to rely on their own resources to get things done instead, as we saw with Queen Amidala's problem with the Trade Federation.
- Senator Palpatine was accurate when he said that "there was no interest in the common good; only politics." To break that down, it means that the politicians living in the capital had become detached from the important issues on their home planets, as well as the planets allied with them, and sought only to hang onto power; which is a common issue even in real modern governments today.
- The people in charge had become too complacent for going on for centuries without a serious galaxy-wide conflict, and had no idea how to deal with the growing Separatist Threat. They thought the peace was gonna last forever, and instead of being vigilant and keeping an army around, they chose to spend time and resources on everything else.
- None of them had any idea that there was a powerful Sith Lord (Darth Sidious, AKA Palpatine), playing the Long Game. He essentially spent years, manipulating the system from within, and blinding everyone using a very strong dark Force technique that manipulates minds on a grand scale, keeping everyone in power distracted from the real threat going on, including the Jedi Order. They couldn't see the forest from the trees, essentially. It's one of the few times I've seen a major villain "win" on such a large scale. Even worse, he managed to savor his victory for nearly 30 years before the Rebel Alliance tore him down.