

Yes. It flip-flops with TPM as the worst prequel.


very subjective views on it. I like Sith the most out of all the prequels. Ep 1 and 2 are terrible in my opinion.


I think it is the best movie of the prequels


Hmm; difficult question to answer; it is rated pretty low (deservingly so). I have a guilty pleasure for this movie; I know it is bad and I make no execuses for its many shortcomings; but there are many things I like about it; the action sequences are fun and amazing (with revolutionary special effects that old up even 15 years later). The lightsaber duels (though long) were very impressive 'dances' (lacking the raw grittiness of the OT but still a spectacle to watch). There are couple of shots that are just really satisfying (like Anakin leading the troopers into the academy). Ian Mcdiarmid was just a joy to watch in this (he is evil and he loves it, type of deal) it was great. The music is just awesome John Williams at his very best (unlike TFA where he phoned it in); and one thing it gets neglected on is pacing. The film is very well paced. There is a lot it has to get through but it never feels rushed despite the pacing be fast. JJ Abrams could use a lesson on pacing because his films' pacing is like someone popped a bunch of amphetamines right before editing the footage; everything feels rushed and panicked in films like TFA.

So is it overrated; probably. It should be at around a 75% approval rating more like 60% would feel more accurate to what it deserves; but it is not MASSIVELY overrated. IMO it is the most watchable of the PT.


One thing for me that holds up this film is the excellent fight scene between Vader/Anakin and Obi-wan.

My let downs are the stupidy of order 66, the turning of Anakin and the stupid mechanic Vader crying "No" scene.
