Quickly decreasing IMDb rating...

Just three years ago this film had a 7.9, which I thought was shockingly high since most people act like this film is garbage. I've always liked this movie so I was okay with the rating. However, that rating is going down fairly fast. Disney SW fanboys downvoting the prequels to blame?


I would guess that new people are discovering the old Star Wars movies from IV-III (weird circuit that encompasses six movies in two numbers...) and they're rating them. Some of that might be fanboyism, but frankly, 7.9 seems high for this. Really high, in my opinion. So, a wave of new people discovering the film and even rating it 6 or 7 (a more "this was a pretty good movie" kinda score) would result in that number ticking down.


I disagree honestly enjoyed these movies way more than the newer ones which have similar imdb ratings


In my opinion, this is a very good SW movie


I agree. If this wasn't attached to the shit show that is The Phantom Menace, I think it would get much higher regards.


IMDB ratings are a complete joke nowadays. No one should take them seriously. If you look at the top 250 movies and TV shows over there, you'll see what I mean. Practically 50% of the top TV shows of all time are anime and stuff like Cowboy Bebop ranks higher than The Twilight Zone. Bollywood movies are 20-30 points higher than, say, Gone with the Wind. It's a ridiculous website now.


don't be knocking Cowboy Bebop! Should be in top 10 of all time based on the name alone.


Don't take this the wrong way, but this kind of comment is why I don't take the IMDB seriously anymore.


Practically 50% of the top TV shows of all time are anime and stuff like Cowboy Bebop ranks higher than The Twilight Zone.

Cowboy Bebop is often considered the best anime ever. I'm afraid you didn't pick the right example to argue anime is overrated.


I think 7.5 is about right.


I agree. My thing is just how fast the rating has decreased over the years, and if it will continue to decrease.


I hadn't even noticed. It is very strange indeed. It maintained a steady 7.9 for over a decade. I've never seen a longstanding rating drop like that. Definitely suspect some funny business going on.
