What is Anakin Skywalker's Motivation to Remain Darth Vader?

I'm gonna ask this on a few star wars boards so I apologize if you're reading this more than once..... but I'm re watching the entire movie library and the shows... and I just don't get it?

In ROTS Sidious tells Anakin the only way to save Padme from death is to join the Sith... after Padme dies, Sidious tells the newly minted Vader that he, himself killed her. So why would he remain a sith? What motivates him to evil when the driving force of that decision is taken away?


His turn to the Dark Side was bungled completely, yes. They should have set him up as more power hungry, not just a hot-head. Yoda tells Luke that the Dark Side is quicker, so it appeals to somebody who wants a lot of power really fast. We needed to see scenes of Anakin wielding power and enjoying it for its own sake, not just killing Sand People because he got angry. If "anger" is the explanation, then it makes no sense why, once that anger had subsided, he wouldn't be grief-stricken and recognise Palpatine's manipulations, or - at the very least - become enraged with Palpatine and kill him in his wrath.


The dark side of the force had him in its grip.


There really is no good answer other than Lucas didn't care. He combined The Hidden Fortress with Star Blazers, and ended up with a mess of a film that Paul Hirsch rescued in the editing room, and turned into a masterpiece. He then handed the reins over to other directors for the next two films, both of which are very good Hollywood blockbusters, but lack the less-is-more pacing and western-in-space magic of the original.

Keep in mind that when he completed Star Wars, Lucas did not intend Darth Vader to be Luke's father. He was the villain who had killed his father. Anakin even shows up in early drafts of Empire as a force ghost to tell Luke he has a twin sister (who isn't Leia at this point). The moral to the story is that Lucas is something of a hack, as evidenced by what happened when he took the reins-- the prequels.

It's clear that his only plan for the prequels was to start with Anakin as a happy little boy, and conclude with him transformed into Darth Vader. Nothing that happens along the way matters, no character has consistent or understandable behavior or emotions, Jedi are masters capable of single-handedly defeating armies one moment, then weaklings that can be easily dispatched the next, and literally nothing matters except getting from point A to point B, Anakin to Darth Vader.

So, when Sidious tells Anakin that the only way to save Padme is to join the Sith, the audience isn't meant to take it seriously or to think it through. The scene exists only to lead to the next scene, and any attempt at analysis is wasted.


No chance to be a Jedi again after all he has done


Please have some consideration for others and mark your post with a spoiler alert. Now because of you, I know eventually Anakin would become Darth Vadar


If you didn't already know that then you’re a poser star wars fan or live under a rock. Also, you are replying to a thread that was posted 3 years ago.

