Anakin a Dumb Selfish Bastard

Anakin Skywalker has got to be the stupidest, most self-centered bastard I have ever seen in a science fiction movie. Throughout this entire film all he seems to care about is himself. Never mind that millions of people are dying in the wars, never mind that the dark side is threatening to take over the galaxy. He is worried that the Jedi Council will not make him a grand master right away, well boo-hoo!! And so blinded is he by his selfishness, that he cannot see through Palpatine's obvious use of him for his own nefarious purposes.

What a loser he was.


Palpatine knew what he was doing, he picked the weakest, dumbest, most self-absorbed Jedi there was to "befriend".

Obi-Wan didn't do a very good job of teaching the little *beep* Jedi values, did he.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


The thing about it is, they didn't make him likable or identifiable enough in the first two films. In this movie Anakin is *supposed* to make his final transition to the dark side so we're not supposed to be on his side at all. But we are supposed to sympathize with him and understand his struggles because we had such great character to begin with, except that's not what we got.

Anakin is at his whiny worst in Attack of the Clones when he ought to be the loyal friend Obi Wan spoke of to Luke in the OT. Granted we do see an innocent side of him in Phantom Menace (Even if you think little Anakin is annoying, his personality is at least amiable like it's meant to be), however instantly making him an emo teenager in the very next movie is a big step backwards. I think Revenge of the Sith is a decent movie but it's made worse by the fact that Attack of the Clones screwed up this character to the point of basically no return.


I actually think they did a decent job showing his transformation over the three movies. He starts out young and innocent in I with a lot of enthusiasm and potential. In II he has realized a lot of that potential, but he has a lot of doubts and dangerous ideas. He follows what he is told but he questions everything and is constantly battling his own demons. In III he is pushed over the edge by circumstances out of his control, and everything that has plagued him previously shapes him into Vader.

There are a lot of small scenes that helped tie those things together too. When Anakin and Padme are flirting in the field and casually talking about politics on the side, he strongly suggests that maybe a dictatorship would be a healthier government than what they have. Seeding things like this into those first two movies made it much more believable that he would accept the demise of the Republic as a correct move.


Obviously banging Natalie Portman went to his head a bit. Dude was probably getting the hottest piece of ass in the galaxy.


Anakin was never meant to be very likable, everything Obi-Wan told Luke was a lie just to get him interested in becoming a Jedi. Its more believable that Anakin would go on to do worse deeds as Vader if he lacked empathy through his Jedi training.


He was fighting in those wars, literally putting his life on the line to help the galaxy. Hes allowed to have personal problems aswell.

The jedi council treated anakin as a danger from day1 and most likely throughout the years also, - there was always a friction in their relationship - so when they did something unprecendented in jedi history (allowed him to sit on council but not be a master) he didnt like it, which is understamdable imo.


so when they did something unprecendented in jedi history (allowed him to sit on council but not be a master) he didnt like it, which is understamdable imo.

He is definitely treated differently, which would anger most people in that position. In Episode III, Anakin is the one who saves Palpatine and Obi-Wan. And this isn't the first time, according to both Anakin and Obi-Wan, that Anakin has saved the day. Despite his skill, dedication, and loyalty, he remains a nonentity 10+ years after first becoming a Padawan. By comparison, Obi-Wan was made a Master after Qui-Gon Jinn died and Obi-Wan had defeated Darth Maul. Anakin saves his Master and defeats Count Dooku but business continues as usual. You'd have to be dense not to notice the snub. Anakin was always more emotional, and rather than address this, it was just reiterated that he was not to feel love, anger, hatred, etc. But that's not a very realistic expectation and we do see other instances of Jedis not behaving "as a Jedi should". Because it's just not realistic. Add to this the fact that Anakin was literally the only Jedi to sit on the council without becoming a Master, his position was definitely not one anyone else could relate to (and subsequently help with). Of course he was the perfect target, the Jedi Council neglected him so someone else stepped in to direct his attention elsewhere.

What's more, if you consider the possibility that the Force itself created Anakin, you can't very well say that Anakin's drive, dedication, and emotion are wrong. They're very human attributes. However, you could make a case against the Council's aspirations to be superhuman to the extent of tossing aside almost all human feelings. That maybe the Council failed to listen to what the Force was trying to say through Anakin.


No I think his issue is that he isn't being treated differently than others. That he is made to wait like everyone else. Why should he get to become master earlier than anyone else? Yes he puts his life on the line but so does every other jedi. He isn't any different from them. But he is proud and impatient and wants to cut in front of the line. When they tell him no he gets angry (like a child would).

"I will not be strong armed by threats against my laundry"


No I think his issue is that he isn't being treated differently than others. That he is made to wait like everyone else. Why should he get to become master earlier than anyone else? Yes he puts his life on the line but so does every other jedi. He isn't any different from them. But he is proud and impatient and wants to cut in front of the line. When they tell him no he gets angry (like a child would).

If, at my job, I received a "promotion" that involved more work, more aggro, but no payrise, I'd be just as furious as Anakin was. It wasn't so much not being made a Master, but the fact that they simply made him a glorified secretary.


How was he a glorified secretary?

"I will not be strong armed by threats against my laundry"


How was he a glorified secretary?

Secretary, dogsbody, whatever you prefer. The point is Anakin had no actual voice, even though he was phyiscally "there". The council outright declined his suggestion that he go after Grievous simply because it had been Palpatine's idea in the first place. This played right into Palpatine's hands, though.


So basically all the values and traits of a sith. Shocking.


"Anakin Skywalker has got to be the stupidest, most self-centered bastard I have ever seen in a science fiction movie."

He is.


its a fictional tragedy that one of the things that killed the prequels was the fact that Anakin was an unlikeable jerk.
