This board has become infested with trolls and naysayers.

It seems like the people who like this movie have given up and moved onto different pastures.

There's a hell of a lot of trolls and naysayers on here for a movie that is 11 years old with and imdb score of 7.6


They can't handle this being considered a great Star Wars movie and find it more accessible to lump it in with the other 2 prequels.


considered a great star wars movie by whom?

if anything imdb is the only site that regards it with any kindness


If an equal number of people hate and love a movie, the imdb score will be 5.5

This movie has 7.6 after 11 years, which implies that a lot more people like it than dislike it. A lot of "shy" Revenge of the Sith likers/lovers out there.


It use to be higher. It was at 8.3 a few years before Disney got the rights.


As time as gone on, folks have realized how rushed and silly Episode III is, along with II, and I. That's the beauty of the prequel trilogy, it can always be de-canonized, rewritten, redone, and reshot, though I don't suspect it until after Lucas has departed these lands...


Well given that disney has used actors from the prequels in these film I imagine it is going to continue being part of the series.


Ignore function works a treat.


the prequals made a ton of money. Phantom Menace grossed a billion, Attack of the Clones about 650 Million and Revenge of The Sith about 850 million. Those who hate them got outvoted at the box office.

***I block hateful responses***


There's a hell of a lot of trolls and naysayers on here for a movie that is 11 years old with and imdb score of 7.6

Well, hate is better than indifference. Shows the strength of the movie that so many still care.


Exactly, people had were expecting something that matched or exceeded the quality of the first trilogy. They are paasionatly disappointed .


"It seems like the people who like this movie have given up"

Finally, now we can talk among people who know something about movies.


It's not easy to defend a movie when it's as terrible as Revenge of the Sniff.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
