"Princess" Leia ?

Okay, I know I'm going to be attacked for this, but if you are raised by a senator and his wife, how do you become a princess ? Even if Leia's mother had still been a Queen, she didn't raise her so... Was she elected too ? I'm terribly, terribly confused. Help me.

P.S. In reading the cast list I see there is a Queen of Alderaan. Can I assume that this is Senator Organa's wife ? That still doesn't explain how Leia became a princess. According to my fiancée who is a staunch royalist and amateur historian, it doesn't work that way.

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.- William Shakespeare


Breha Organa, Leia's adoptive mother, was the Queen of Alderaan. Hence Leia got the title of Princess.

It works like that because it's Star Wars and different planets and their tradtions operate in dfferent ways.


Thank you.

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.- William Shakespeare


Wait, so if you already determined that Bail Organa is married to Breha, How could you be confused about Leia's status as a princess.


Because Bail Organa does not have a royal title. His wife could have bestowed one upon him, but perhaps he turned it down.

As boonjj said, it's Star Wars and traditions are different than they would be on earth or other planets. I'm content with that explanation.

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.- William Shakespeare


Bail Organa does indeed have a Royal title, he is Prince consort by virtue of being married to the Queen of Alderaan and also serving as a the representative of Alderaan in the senate.


Youre welcome.


Can I assume that this is Senator Organa's wife ?


I also think that they probably kept the adoption fairly secret and might have pretended that Leia was their natural child, not adopted. If they did that, she would have a much more legitimate claim to a title like that.
