Prequel Flaws

As a "Star Wars" fan, I enjoy all of the movies, despite the deficiencies that they all have. These three movies have received a lot of flack over the years, and deservingly so in many cases. So, I was curious, what would you say is the most glaring flaw that ruins these movies for you--too much CGI, bad acting, bad directing, having Hayden as Aniken/Darth Vader, poor chemistry between he and Natalie Portman or having politics weigh too heavily on the storylines?


Having the ultra-cool Darth Vader revealed to be a whiny, stupid, easily manipulated young fool.

There's good stuff in the prequels, but the heart of the story is a fool being fooled.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


That the Trade Federation would put their main reactor core in their Command Ship in the hangar bay.

Yep, you read that right.

That is exactly what happens in Episode I - the Phantom Menace, when Anakin flies into the Trade Federation command ship hangar bay, oops, and knocks out the main reactor, oops again! Woah! Definitely the biggest flaw of all the prequels, because it is the flaw that sets up the rest of the prequels.

If the droid army isn't taken out then and there, then the Gungans all die and Jar Jar dies, and is not able to set up emergency powers for Chancellor Palpatine 10 years later.


I would say bad acting/lack of chemistry between Portman and Christenson. The performances usually are what bring the characters to live and give the movie its soul.

I think part of the problem though, is that the script did a poor job in giving a lot of the characters clearly defined personalities.


Awful characters


All of the above.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


Bad acting especially Christenson and no chemistry with Portman...I never believed in their relationship.

Too much CGI.

The Prequels in relation to the original trilogy seem like a badly fitting jigsaw...

"I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid" and in RotJ Leia remembering her mother.

C3PO and R2D2 being shoehorned in when it really wasn't needed.

I think part of the problem is that those brought up on the original trilogy filled in the blanks in their own mind over the 15 years between ROTJ and TPM and nothing Lucas would do would be able to match up with it.

Overall am I glad they were made?...Nope, I for one could have lived without them.

Love is the law...


To me it's a mix of all those things and so much more : simply put, this is NOT how you make a movie.


They're flawed but so was the OT so its unfair to single out the PT.


Because the flaws are mode rampant than the few mistakes the ot had. Quality wise, the prequels were lacking.


Their quality is debatable but I found they had a more interesting story than the originals, they were going for a more serial vibe with the prequels but people take Star Wars too seriously to notice the intentionally bad acting and cheesy dialogue. It finally dawned on me when I recently rewatched them.


Sigh, you have got to be trolling as you post is the most nonsensical one I've seen in a while. So now the characters, plot and dialogue is intentionally bad?
Lucas:: ok everyone, listen. This trilogy is going to blow everyone away.
Staff: oh really? Tell us about it
Lucas: ok, for stars, the plot in going to be the most convoluted, nonsensical plot. It will not answer questions and the will fail to bridge with the ot.
Staffa: I'm intrigued, tell us of the characters.
Lucas: this is best part ok, the characters are going to be the most uninteresting, flat. They will
Deliver all the shytty dialogue in monotone and fail to act out any discernible emotions. These films are going to be so bad that it's good.
Staff: ah, intentionally making a film so bad that it is almost artistically profound, I smell an Oscar.


If you had any brains you would know that Lucas grew up on and was inspired by Flash Gordon when he made Star Wars and reinforced that format when he did the originals and the prequels. Both trilogies have their share of cheesy dialogue and hammy acting but doing it that style is lost on today's generation since it was way before their time. You're just another mindless hater.


And guess what, there's still an energy and enthusiasm to the performances in the OT that's completely absent in the PT. Additionally, the cast didn't think too highly of the dialogue in ANH. Luckily, Kasdan and others were brought on to help with ESB and ROTJ.

You can make something inspired by past material, even if it's long before the current generation's time, but that still works in a modern context. Saying "you just don't get the style George was going for with the prequels" is a crutch to excuse the finished product, nothing more. If anything, it indicates how out of touch Lucas had become as a writer and director, and how masturbatory the prequels were for him.


The Original Trilogy are all masterpieces. The Prequels are all pieces. Pieces of junk. Junk which falls apart when viewed. The Prequels are lousy. It's sad that some people can't see that. Sad. Really sad. Anyone for some smarmy Child Anakin and some slightly amusing Jar Jar?

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


The ideas behind the story are more interesting on paper, I'll give you that. But in execution? It's a complete mess.

Just because there's a more complex idea at play does not mean the way the story is told should get a free pass, and a simple idea being done really well can easily trump it.

And ah, the ol' excuse of "the bad acting is intentional." No. George has even admitted he's rubbish at working with actors. And again, even if that was his intent, it doesn't excuse execution given that the performances are integral to getting people to root for these characters... well, except for those fans who will gobble up anything George puts out with a Star Wars logo.
