How the hell does this have such a high rating?

7.7?! You've gotta be kidding me


ROTS actually went somewhere compared to the other two, and the fact it had an opening that was entertaining in ways helped it. The climax/ending also seemed to have more to it than the others.

I used to like this movie, and though I also readily saw many of the things people mocked, like the dialogue between Obi-Wan and Anakin, Darth Vader's "NOOO!", the droid slapstick etc. i thought it was a solid movie for the most part.

I think it's garbage now though. The reason so many people seem to enjoy this seems shallow and tied in with low expectations, because this movie at face value did things the previous two didn't, but in the end, it's just as bad as the others, just for different reasons. I can't say which prequel I dislike more, they're all kind of horrible in different ways to me. It's been a long time since I saw any of them in full, but I'm not up to seeing any of them again.

One of the worst scenes in ROTS has to be Padme's disbelief over being told Anakin "killed younglings" when he told her that very same thing in AOTC (which was also one of the worst scenes in AOTC, and did a remarkable job at ruining Anakin as a fallen, noble hero). And calling them "younglings" when Anakin called them "children" before. I used to think "youngling" was the name for Jedi children, but that's actually a Star Wars term for children. It really helps make that scene all the more awful.


I rated this one a 6, Clones a 4 and TPM a 1, because it really is THAT bad and I consider it to be the worst big budget film of all time, for a number of reasons.


I've come to the conclusion that after many years, but at the very least, say 5, there's no point in complaining about the score of a movie on the IMDB. I would say that while there's no such thing as the definitive objective quality, the IMDB score (after some years as I've said) is the closest thing that exists to reflect how good a movie actually is.

If you don't like it, just accept that it's not your cup of tea and move on (and vice-versa). People like and dislike films for all sorts of reasons. I'm not a believer in absolutes, only relatives.


Perhaps because, I dunno um, people liked it?

Star Wars is like pizza, even when it's bad it's still pretty good.


Yeah this film sucks. I really don't understand the ratings on IMDB. The Social Network has the same rating as this? WTF? That's a great movie!


The Social Network is good, not great. It had its moments, and the Andrew Garfield character made the movie for me. No glaring mistakes like the "No!" scene, but nothing remotely moving as the "You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you."

Seems fair to me that both movies get their credit for putting themselves out there. With The Social Network, it was the actors working their asses off. With Revenge of the Sith, all of the filmmakers worked their asses off to push the spectacle aspect forward. It's one thing to *beep* on this movie's dialog and acting. It's something else entirely to renounce the overall direction and look of the movie. In my opinion, Lucas and Co did a masterful job, excluding the "No!"

Barry Lyndon shot first.


Because it´s an amazing movie you silly :D


Probably because it's the best of which the prequels had to offer. And it was the only good prequel movie.



I agree. Episode I was disappointing, Episode II was even worse but Episode III felt like an actual Star Wars movie.


Compared to the other 2 films in this trilogy, this movie is like the Godfather.
Probably a bit inflated because it was so much better than the other two. I rate it 7/10, it's great IMO.

-*Inserting random phrase by famous madman/idiot that makes me feel intelligent*-


The prequels failed in a number of ways but they had highlights, set pieces, and pay off, TFA is a wannabe ANH that apes the original film but has none of the impact, a BS "Mary Sue" in Rey, and no set pieces or pay off.

The majority of the PT was bad but atleast it had atleast one "one hit wonder" scene in each film.

"Always two there are , a master and an apprentice"
