How the hell does this have such a high rating?

7.7?! You've gotta be kidding me


the first question every honest fan of film asks when they visit this page... astonishing the blinders people put on due to fanaticism. i guess it is like religion, if you have faith, there is no amount of truth that will change you belief in softly spoken magic spells. the score is so high as a result of contemporary idiocy. harsh? not harsh enough


Funny that you call others idiots for voting this movie too high, when in fact there are few things that are more stupid than believing yourself to be more intelligent than others because of your taste in movies.


Thank you.


This movie is excellent. It has imagination, action, a story line with emotion and is a feast for the eyes. The Force Awakens was a huge let down without heart. When Obi Wan tells Anakin he was a brother to him, it brought tears to my eyes. Seeing a prominent character's death actually being mourned with a proper funeral is the way important character's deaths should be treated (I'm talking to YOU JJ Abrams)


6/10 Much better than PM or the god awful AOTC but still nowhere near the OT.
Ewan was great as Obi Wan
Hayden was better

Anakin's turn to the darkside could have been more powerful

I wish Obi wan and Anakin lightsaber fight wasn't in this CGI mess


"I wish Obi wan and Anakin lightsaber fight wasn't in this CGI mess"

That whole thing was actually heavily practical, they constructed full scale models and everything. That's true of a surprising number of other things in ROTS and AOTC. They just often came across as sterile, artificial etc. due to poor integration with actors and such, and how horribly over-the-top and drawn out that duel was.


"...It has imagination..." I'm sitting here after watching it for the second time imagining how the fahk can you kill a dozen kids after some vague promises of your wife's salvation by a treacherous cahnt. Kids that you lived and grew up with.

I'm also imagining what could possibly Darth Sidious tell you to make you kill left and right without question. That is after 10 years of strong moral beliefs en-grained in your nature.

And the last one, for the love of me I can not imagine how you can continue with all of this after the promise of your wife's salvation wasn't fulfilled.

I guess I have a very bad imagination... or screenwriters for this POS are completely retarded. Can't decide which one... j/k


Here's a novel idea - people can enjoy things that you & others don't. It happens all the time!


//Lost without LOST//


Try your best to understand that people have different opinions and rate movies in different ways!!!!


If you are not with me then you have an opinion different than me!
Only a sith drinks Absolute.


yea, should be higher in my opinion
agree the the acting is bad
but the storyline is fantastic


What? He's arguing for the opposite.

Having an opinion can save your life. Just ask Marvin.



Because, as a friend of mine said, "it's Star Wars". 😒

Having an opinion can save your life. Just ask Marvin.


Best Star Wars movie after Empire, by far.
