MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > Rewatching it now, parts of it look like...

Rewatching it now, parts of it look like a fan made movie

There are some parts that are really epic, some visual effects still hold up to this day and parts of the mythos are really good.

But most of the dialog, political speech and human to human interactions look a lot like a fan made movie, like if a really huge fan got a ton of money and made his dream movie on his favorite franchise.

The dialogs and acting feel so stiff, so irregular, like when you were a little kid and made stories with your toys and created this whole universe with simple stories and basic universe building.


Holy cow, you're right!

That statement is one of those things that I will remember every time that damn cheesy mess of an expensive movie comes on TV. You'd think the script was stolen from some 14-year-old fan fiction writer.


I decided to rewatch revenge of the sith, mainlky because of camille paglia's praise and the acting was so horrific, I couldn't believe it.


Oh dear God, you take Camille Paglia seriously?


of course I do, only a fool wouldn't.


Well, it's certainly nice that she has one fan left...


people just can't deal with the truth she speaks of. I can.


I hadn't heard of this lady before, but thanks for introducing me to her. In touch with reality and a great speaker to boot.


She is truly great.


Is Camile Paglia doing movie reviews now or something?


no but she heavily praised revenge of the sith and said george lucas was the greatest living artist, I get why she said it, the spectacle and rich ideas of revenge of the sith can't be denied, however the acting was beyond atrocious, courtesy of two of the worst actors of all time, Natalie Portman and whatshisname, the special effects were bad too, but the final lava battle was great, I think that's what impressed her the most.


No, you want a [shitty] fan-made movie? Try TLJ. THAT looks like a really expensive, bad fanfic someone wrote and turned into a film.
