MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > You can change prequel history by alteri...

You can change prequel history by altering Phantom Menace in ONE way... CHOOSE!

Keep in mind, your decision will ripple through the other two prequel movies, so choose wisely.

It would be best if you also extrapolated on how you expect your decision to affect episodes 2 and 3.

Do you:

1. Remove Jar-Jar?
2. Change Anakin from a whiny kid to a damaged 13 year old slave boy (thereby closely matching Padme's age)?
3. Allow Darth Maul to survive?

Choose your destiny.


3. Let Obi-Wan escape from Maul and let Maul escape from Naboo when the calvary arrived. I was only minimally annoyed by Jar Jar and young Anakin.


4. Introduce Anakin Skywalker as the experienced pilot he was supposed to be when Obi-Wan first meant him (at least according to what Obi-Wan told Luke in the original Star Wars movie).


Totally number 2! Tough street smart kid that could have actually turned heads. You should have been able to drown a toddler in Padmes panties after she first layer eyes on Anikin...instead we got lil Ani...yippee! I understand that generally people see no problem in a 14 year old girl eventually falling for a 10 year old child...but that little wet end? I think it would have been far more interesting to have Anikin a fully established stud with a serious dark side and have him not that interested in Queeny...have her all swoony for him. Have her be the force that compels Anikin to seek a more right and just course for his life...then put that relationship in jeopardy for the later installments and his inevitable fall to the dark side. It was George's need to have Anikin so pure that his character came off as a parody of young romantic angst. Mark Hamill stated that the lack of romance was a huge contributing factor for TPM failing to connect with audiences and was of the mind that the absence of Marcia Lucas was felt in that instance...I agree! George had an idea and Rick McCullum said GREAT IDEA GEORGE!!! And the prequels are what we got...yippee!


You should have been able to drown a toddler in Padmes panties after she first layer eyes on Anikin

LOL! Damn you really went for it with that mental image!

I really like your suggestion about Anakin not being interested at first, and Padme pursuing him. It would also show a more realistic side to her as well, since Padme came across a bit stuffy.


Totally came off as stuffy! between him being the softest slave ever and her being chronically frigid and the Jedi chastity's a wonder Luke and Leia were ever conceived. I know it seems terribly non masculine but I'm noticing a connection between quality of a Star Wars film and the romance offered. The OT had believable and compelling romance that made the characters likewise believable and matter if it was when I was six or now at 46. The prequels fucked it up and the overall quality of the trilogy suffered. Now the sequel trilogy seems to have forgotten a romantic angel altogether and I feel it could be that missing element that has brought convolution to this trilogy....or it could be that there was not so much as a storyboard overlay for a trilogy...amazing what a plan can achieve 😉


Well, there was a vague plan for the new trilogy, Lawrence Kasdan helped outline that with JJ Abrams before they wrote Force Awakens.

Part of the plan was talked about when Carrie Fisher died. She and Kylo were going to have a big scene together in Episode 9, where they make amends with each other. That had to be scrapped.

The other part of the plan that was known: 7 would focus on Han, 8 on Luke, and 9 on Leia. I know that Han was planned to die in his movie, which was part of Harrison's contract or else he wouldn't do the movie, and it may have been planned in advance that Luke had to die in 8, since that was his movie.

But I do agree, the new trilogy could have used some romance. NOT Finn and Rose, though!


Vague plans and hokey plot devices are no match for a good outline at your side kid😉


Having a believable romance helps connect the audience to the story. It makes everything seem that much more real.


Absolutely! Wonderfully done in empire.


I would change nothing. Why would I? It’s already the most perfect film ever made.


I would go with 2, in the end I felt he was the weakest element to TPM. Jar Jar can be ignored, I think Maul's appeal is helped by the limited screen time and part in the trilogy.


The second one. Because other than wanting specific actors for the roles, one could argue there's no need or reason for the vast age difference. Granted, when you're actual adults, ten years or whatever is less of a big deal, but when it's in a situation where one is still a legit child (even though nothing really happened between them in TPM), it's different in a gross way. If we'd met Anakin at an age where he'd have been played by Hayden C in all three, then maybe they could've had it where Padme's pregnancy was what inspired him (later on) to go find his mother

Jar-Jar, if we're changing that, well... While I'm not certain if I *believe* in it, I've always liked the theory about him being a Sith. Would've rather they'd gone that route. If not a full reveal in TPM, maybe a heavier clue, to make people wonder, which might've mitigated the backlash a little.


I would vote for the change Anakin route. I don't even care if he's necessarily older, I just didn't like Jake Lloyd in the role. No offense to the kid but he didn't have much range and they needed someone who could portray struggle and despair better.


2 & 3 both sound really good, but I'll take 2.
