A bit of a nitpick

A little kid running around pretending to be Freddy Krueger. Was Freddy really that popular as early as 1985?

I don't think the first movie was that huge in pop culture yet. If this were 1986, I could sort of believe it.


Considering the first one came out in 1984, it's possible for the kid to be dressed up like him.


Freddy mania was around in '84 and '85.


I always thought it was a little odd that he was dressed up like that, since it was an R rated movie and not really something for kids. He could've just thought it was cool from a costume store.


Not really odd. I dressed up as Freddy for Halloween when I wasn't much older than that kid, and I knew exactly who he was.


My parents let me watch Freddie and Jason and Candyman, and I was born in 1982. Some of us just have weird parents.


I was twelve years old in 1985 and it was very popular.
Truth is no defense to the overarching goal of submission.


I was in first grade in 1985 and the first costume I wore to school on Halloween was Freddy Krueger. Seriously. My dad painted my face with a marker and we made the glove from a work glove and Popsicles sticks. I still have the picture. Adorable. :-)


When I was in third grade (1987), three of my classmates were Freddy Krueger for Halloween.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Obviously Robbie's sister and brother in law were irresponsible cause they took the kids to the movies lol..


Freddy was super popular around that time. My friend made a Freddy glove out of steak knives, a gardening glove, and duct tape. It was stupid popular.
