MovieChat Forums > Wag the Dog (1998) Discussion > have to watch this movie by tonight but ...

have to watch this movie by tonight but i cant find it can someone help?

i have to watch this movie by midnight tonight for english class, but none of the video stores have it in so i was hoping that someone who has seen it can help me out and help me BS my way through the work on it. here's a question that is given on our class message board...

Right in the beginning of the movie a question is asked. "Does the dog wag the tail or does the tail wag the dog?" Obviously this quote has a lot to do with the movie and the idea of media spin. Just thinking about the current affairs that are in the news today, how much do you feel "spin" play a part? Is everything/some things/nothing broadcasted in the media trustworthy? How much of what you see in the news do you think is made to be something it really isn't? Talk amongst yourselves...

i think the big issue is whether or not what happens in this movie happens in real life. can a war be made up in today's society for the sake of winning a presidential election? how much do we know as citizens, and so on. i might not be being clear, but you get the gist. i appreciate any help.


As a high school teacher, I am forced to point and giggle at you. How long had you had this assignment? What made you think you could find a copy of a 7 year old, not popular at the time, movie the night before every other English class this teacher taught (and likely several others in your school) had an assignment due?

Those important questions being asked, I will now...

