Insurrection features bits from "Who Watches the Watchers" (s3), "The Pegasus" (s7), "Homeward" (s7), and one other... it's an amalgamation and mostly successful, but not without some massive problems...
Good review -- he's usually on the mark with his reviews, but he's right on how Insurrection most closely captures the feel of TNG...
I can handle the Baku earth tones, though - they don't want to kill beetles and beetles provide the bright red that would otherwise have been used... :)
1. Data would be there to study and report. Data is good at that, even if he doesn't know the underlying emotional reasoning... what he reports can be dealt with just as efficiently and Data's lack of emotions prevents him from acting rash (unless he's damaged).
2. The duck blind stuff the reviewer is 100% right on... :)
3. "Larry" - LOL. He's spot-on with this issue too. (and mentions the other TNG ep I'd forgotten...) Great double-standard example he found... or maybe Picard learned something from Wesley. :) Ditto for "the needs of the many vs few". And "ins-urection, ha ha ha" and "hiserection, ha ha ha" - *snicker*
4. He's right, good old fashioned physics... and given transporters, long-range ones, why hide it under water... hiding something invisible underwater... and his pointing out the lack of steps...
5. Agreed on him yet again, but he seems to love catheters for some reason...
6. Good point about Picard thinking he's acting alone with all the weapons (maybe he was planning for later later on, but surprised to see his crew show up early? Though the point of being in planetary costume is right..)
7. Nice *boing* noise at the appropriate time, LOL... but, as with most sci-fi, these details he mention are pretty accurate... :) All the details, as usual, are right...
8. As usual, he's right... nice reference to "The Inner Light" too...
9. Now that's a zinger, about uniforms! And the violent nonthreatening android!! And Trek was always doing what was right, including helping an enemy... in real life we may or may not like it, but in Trek that's how they did things...