Ok, so Starfleet is so deperate for allies at this time during the Dominion war that they would accept membership from a species that only acheived warp drive a year ago? Come on man, even if they need the reforcements that badly how effective would these guys be as allies? One Dominion battlecruiser could probably take out their whole fleet. And Doesn't it usually take years to apply and get accepted into the Federation? It took Bajor like five years before they were accpeted into the Fed and by compairsion they are way more advanced they these trolls.
If I remember correctly bajor didn't want to join the federation right away. I remember when they where about to, but Sisko had a vision from the prophets that Bajor should not join the federation....atleast not yet...normally I would tell you what episode that was, but I am at a loss at which one it was.
The eposide your talking about is Rapture from season 5. I guess my main point I was trying to make is it seems silly that the federation would accept the Evora into the federation as they would not seem to bring anything to the table so to speak. Denna says that they are much less advanced techonally as they had only achieved warp drive around a year ago. It seems up to this point whenever the federation was looking at a potential member world they were at least somewhat on the same tech level and culturely advanced. In other words, starfleet would get something out of it which does not seem to be the case here.
They probably needed them as allies because of their planet a more defendable if Starfleet needs to fall back upon, especially when it comes to trade routes and supply lines.
I don't care how long it takes to apply for mewmbership to the federation, this is fantasy, that is a nitpic detail.
What I am trying to figure out, and I am hoping someone can shed some light on this, is why did the Sona need to relocate the Baku instead of just moving to another hemisphere of the planet? Its a big planet, what is the need to kidnap these people?
This right here is the biggest flaw in the movie's premise. It's a planet for goodness sakes. It's huge. The Son'a could have lived on the opposite side (or hell, even three hundred miles away) already for the entire time, even way back when Ru'afo and his bunch were initially expelled from the Baku colony.
- - - - - - - Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
Thanks, I thought I had missed something, pretty frickin stupid. Berman was the wrong man to run Star Trek, too bad, he took something that was special and killed it.
Another thing that doesn't work is that a handful of Baku getting expelled from the planet is enough to constitute a race called the Son'a. All of this happened in only three-hundred years. How can there possibly be enough Son'a that they would pass for a separate race??
- - - - - - - Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
It was explained in the movie why they could not just move onto the planet somewhere else and not relocate the Baku.
It would not have helped the Son'a reverse their aging effects unless they harvested the entire source of radiation from the rings all at once. And that would have made the whole planet uninhabitable.