
For me it has the second best soundtrack of the star trek films with Star Trek The Motion Picture winning the title of best soundtrack.

So what is your favourite soundtrack of all the Trek films?.


Since they are both 'Goldsmith'... That is interesting choices. But I would say this one actually wins: It is like he updated some of his ST: Motion Picture tunes, then spiced up the old 'Alexander Courage' theme, along with the Baku tracts, I'm in bliss the whole movie... ahh. I'm going to post how in love with the Blu-ray 6-ch edition sounds so ultra amazing.

All Star Trek 2&3 has James Horner so they are a toss in for the greats as well. Star Trek 3 was even better for the sound track than 2. I need to see it again, its been a long time. Even 4 who was done by someone else, is still really good. Generations #7 is fantastic. You can't say enough of these films.

I would prolly rate them like this:

9,1,7,3,2... Its gets bumpy from here...hehe


You have very good taste my friend the soundtrack choices you picked are excellent :)


All of them are great but the first ST score by Goldsmith is the best to me. The expanded score for Insurrection was released last month and its fantastic.
