Picard hates Geordi

Picard looks at Geordi and says, "It's too easy to turn a blind eye..." HAHAHA

And think about the TV show and the movies. Picard never really had any one-on-one with Geordi. I think he hates him. That's why he called him blind.


Ha, I think you are right.

Except that there is one time, when Geordi and Ensign Ro were "Phased" - and thought dead, Picard tells Riker why he asked for Geordi. Geordi was to shuttle the Shipless Captain Picard to a seminar, Picard complained about some Phase Inducer problem and Heordi stayed up all night fixing it.

You also forget that in "All Good Things" the Old Picard is visited by Geordi (Who HAD married Leah Brahms)- And they have several scenes together that are rather intimate in a way.

One of the problems with an Ensemble Cast is when you have regular episodes and you are pairing off the characters, in Voyager, you have Neelix and Tuvok, Tuvok and Paris, Torres and Seska, Seska and Chakotay, Kes and The Doctor, The Doctor and Seven of 69, but my favourite was Seven and Chakotay, in my matchmaking eye, they were perfect for each other.

Same thing in Next Gen, you have to have episodes where at least 2 of the ensemble are interacting. Picard and Wesley (twice), Riker and Data in "Disaster", Barclay and Troi (and that lasted into Voyager even), Geordi and Broccoli, Whoopi and Riker even which was not a usual paring. Whoopi and Crusher, in Whoopi's last ever TNG TV appearance.

Sometimes characters get lost in the Shuffle, which was why there were so many Poker Games on The Enterprise D.


Geordi (Who HAD married Leah Brahms)- And they have several scenes together that are rather intimate in a way.

Your imagination is funny. This wasn't how All Good Things went.
