So first of all, I want to say, I am a TNG-Trekkie and I love this movie more than all others, I think it is closer on these ideas of Gene than all others. But there are so many errors in that movie, it makes me a little angry.
1. When finding the Holodeck in the lake, you can see the jetty and the little boat, they use later, is on the same level. You see it, when Data comes out of the water and shouts to the captain. Than he lets water out of the lake. But the jetty is on the same sea level position and they enter the boat on a even basis from the jetty. Also the holo ship is much higher than the water in the lake now. It must be out of the water even on normal sea level. Even the dead trees on the coast of the lake are on the same position.
2. On the fight in the holo deck, the shoots must destroy the holo deck, like told in the goofs. But also on quitting the holodeck program, there should be the killed person there or was this guard also a holodeck projection.
All arround this holodeck ship in this lake is done with so many errors. Also the fact, that it takes hours to let so much water out of such a big sea.
3. Captain Picard first wants to destroy the collector, but the weapons are disabled (How?), than he wants to start the self destruction. But when the Enterprise arrives, he only needed to be beamed to the Enterprise and let the Enterprise destroy it. The weapons on the Enterprise are intact. So the fight is senseless.
But than again on the Son'a ship, the crew could reactivate the weapons. How again. If they could, Gallatin also could. But lets say okay, so Ru'afo could easily go back to his ship and start the collector from there and catch Picard and beam him out of the collector.
Re #3: Never mind that the Enterprise could have done that. They could have used the tractor beam to push or pull the collector away from a useful position or towards the planet to crash its orbit. He didn't need to board it at all.
Maybe we can have Puppet O'Neill jump over a puppet shark?
1. When finding the Holodeck in the lake, you can see the jetty and the little boat, they use later, is on the same level. You see it, when Data comes out of the water and shouts to the captain. Than he lets water out of the lake. But the jetty is on the same sea level position and they enter the boat on a even basis from the jetty.
Well, obviously Data didn't let water out of the near side of the lake. He only let water out of the far side of the lake.
Also the holo ship is much higher than the water in the lake now. It must be out of the water even on normal sea level. Even the dead trees on the coast of the lake are on the same position.
Not so. Before Data lets some of the water out of the lake the surface of the lake on the other side is right up to the base of the trees. After he lets some water out the lake the level is much lower: approximately the same lowering as the height of the trees -- I would guess about 20 feet.
2. On the fight in the holo deck, the shoots must destroy the holo deck, like told in the goofs. But also on quitting the holodeck program, there should be the killed person there or was this guard also a holodeck projection.
Well, there you go. You answered your own question.
3. Captain Picard first wants to destroy the collector, but the weapons are disabled (How?)...
Picard is on the bridge of the Son'a ship, not Enterprise. The Son'a crew are locked out of the bridge, but they manage to disable the weapons systems, probably from engineering. Worf: "Weapons systems have been taken off-line." Subahdar Gallatin: "The crew is re-routing Bridge controls."
...than he wants to start the self destruction. But when the Enterprise arrives, he only needed to be beamed to the Enterprise and let the Enterprise destroy it. The weapons on the Enterprise are intact. So the fight is senseless.
You'll never get a job writing ST scripts or directing ST movies with an attitude like that... Actually, Enterprise arrived too late. Remember this? Riker: "Stand by, Captain. We're right around the corner." Picard: "Sorry, time's up." As Picard starts the 2-second autodestruct with less than 5 seconds on the collector-separation clock. The only reason Riker could beam Picard aboard was that the autodestruct began at the opposite end of the weapon platform. _____ I don't have a dog. And furthermore, my dog doesn't bite. And furthermore, you provoked him.
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Well, obviously Data didn't let water out of the near side of the lake. He only let water out of the far side of the lake.
Oh come on, you know, that water is the same height at all points of a lake. Look at the movie index 32:38. In the front you see the jetty and the boar on the same height as before. In the background you see brown ground, that's the amount of reduced water. And in the middle is the holodeck ship and it is higher than the brown ground. So it should have been visible before letting the water out of the lake. All in one picture and this is WRONG.
or was this guard also a holodeck projection.
Okay lets talk about the holodeck. Are the created people in the holodeck are of real material (what ever it is) or only a hologram. But if it is a hologram, how can you physically fight with them and get injured by them. So the only plausible explanation for how the holodeck works is, that the guards on the holodeck are real men or holodeck figures out of real existing replicated material. I think first, but even if it is second, there would stay something. And even it is a hologram, how should a hologram fireing with a faser.
You'll never get a job writing ST scripts or directing ST movies with an attitude like that... Actually, Enterprise arrived too late. Remember this?
I understand, that the fight man vs. man makes more tension, but having a ship there, that can rescue Captain Picard in time, but cannot solve the problem in time, makes really no sense. So it makes sense for the script, I understand that of course, but when you think logical about that, it makes no sense.
I really like that movie, best beside Star Trek IV, because it is one, that needs no super villian and it has a real good moral and ethic question. But I wished filmmakers would take much more care on some things, even they are so obvious.