Help With A VHS COPY

I found this copy of Snake Eyes with 2 diff stickers on it a blue on says
For distributor promotional use only not for sale rental dublication or public performance

The Secnd says This screening cassette is being provided to you courtesy of paramount home video and there is a place for a representative & distrbutor

On the lable of the VHS it says the same as the blue sticker


Film distributers, in this case paramount, as well as book, CD, and other entertainment distributers put out promotional copies of recently released projects to critics and even stores like blockbuster for in-store play. While the company (paramount) puts those stickers on the cases and claims to retain full ownership of the product, most stores will simply sell off the used merchandise once it is no longer needed in the store. If you buy used CDs, especially on ebay, you will find covers stamped in gold with a similar label.
