Cage does stuff like this. He's kind of meta-acting. He's playing a guy who is over-acting. The over-the-top stuff you see at the beginning is his character putting on a show.
If that's not clear, consider this.
In "Vampire's Kiss", Cage plays a character who speaks with a really whining high voice. But this isn't the character's actual voice, it's just something he's affecting because he thinks it's cool. Similarly, Cage isn't saying that the freakishly extroverted stuff his character does at the beginning of the film is this person's natural character so much as it's a shtick that this character does to dominate the room from time to time. He's a cop, a corrupt one at that, trying to project an enormous personality.
Of course this theory is a great excuse for Cage to just ham it up for a half hour. But I do think it's not just what he's doing as an actor, but what he's having his character do as a character.