Am I just dumb...?
I know this may seem like a stupid question by can someone explain to me why Rick would "lose everything" if he didn't let Kevin kill the girl? What were Rick's conflicting issues here? Kevin mentions something about how Rick is corrupted but I don't understand in what way he means. I don't even think there was any hint of him being corrupted other than he hustled people for money a little bit.....or was that it?
Also, after Rick's saves the day and receives whatever that thing was from the Mayor, there are news bulletins and reporters going after Rick asking him about this 'corrupted' business. I don't understand what that is all about? Was Kevin right in that Rick did, in fact, lose everything and was exposed?
I know you may be thinking "Did you actually watch the movie?", but politics and police business just isn't my thing. I never understand it! :) I only watched this because Cage and Sinise are in it :)
There are two rules of success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know.