MovieChat Forums > Pleasantville (1998) Discussion > Pleasantville is a conservatives paradis...

Pleasantville is a conservatives paradise!

There is nothing wrong with living that way, it's quite idyllic! The world needs both conservatives AND liberals to make it some place we'd all want to live. I can't imagine a world without color without exploring the limits of yourself and where you are in the world.

It scares so many people, both sides when you challenge long held beliefs and customs. We need each other and we should stop hating each other and work together to make it a beautiful place to be.

Sometimes conservatives need to put the brakes on liberals when they start to go too far left and the liberals need to keep the conservatives from going too far right. Happiness is in the middle somewhere.



You are absolutely right. Sadly it feels my country America is heading for another Civil War in my lifetime.


without conservatives, America would basically be China or NK.


We need conservatives to make sure the buses run on time.


Being conservative doesn't mean hating anyone, or wanting "a world without color", etc. Those are naive cliches.


When did I say that conservatives were hating on someone?
