This film is EPIC FAIL of liberal propaganda!
Does anyone else notice that none of the shows that this stupid film allegedly parodies are anywhere near as stupid as is this film itself?
In other words, this film is so hellbent on pushing its evil liberal agenda that it has to construct strawmen and then beat up those same strawmen. And instead of representing those strawmen as the strawmen that they are, it misrepresents those strawmen as actual real-life 1950's TV shows.
For example, I defy anyone to name any TV show that has ever existed that said anything even remotely as dumb as this film does with its scene that has the imbecile teacher (backed by imbecile writers) say something like: "We only have two streets in our neighborhood, and the geography on one street is different than the geography on the other street."
No one will be able to name a show that did anything that dumb, because it doesn't exist. It's just a fake, non-existent, strawman.
The fact that this film had to resort to strawmen to push its liberal agenda proves beyond any doubt that it's full of crap and full of fail and worst of all, full of evil.