What is autism

Iv got autism but iv got asberger syndrom. Iv just been diagnosed with it.
What kind of spectrum disorder did that kid have. was his High functoning


Since the boy didn't really talk except for a few sentences, I would say he had the more "typical" autism. My son also has Asperger's which can be very high functioning.


i have both mild autism and asperger so i ahve 2 spectrums but my asperger is very borderline i have more mild autism like you said (typical autism)


Simon was low to moderate functioning Autism (often called Kanner's Syndrome, Early Infantile Autism or just Autism). He also appeared to be a savant, low functioning in most areas but with beyound genious ability in puzzels.


Unfortunately to understand what it is as a general subject may take a lot of research, reading and experience. However, you say you have been diagnosed with AS, so the best way to provide an answer to your question is to get to know yourself.

From my humble opinion I would be inclined to suggest the boy has a form of high functioning (HFA) possibly with semantic pragmatic disorder. Although AS is considered a type of HFA, this is not what the boy has. HFA can be classified by many disorders on the spectrum and therefore without a professional diagnosis, it would not be possible to specify anything in particular. It is quite easy to 'slap' a diagnosis onto somone and say that has this disorder yet that doesn't explain anything other than a few loosely based heuristic methods of handling them.

The problem I seem to find when trying to differentiate HFA and LFA is huge; for example, if communication is impaired, yet the subject has some savant ability such as being able to memorize music and regurgitate it, this can be visually seen/heard and could be considered HF, but now imagine a person who can calculate astronomical equations but can't even speak; does this mean that we're partly basing a diagnosis on whether we can observe someone's savant ability?? It's very complicated :(

Let us also remember that many neurologically typical people can have savant abilities too and many people who actually diagnosed with the aforementioned don't have this at all.

I agree that kanner's syndrome would be a possible diagnosis, it is very similar to AS, yet to a degree, people with AS can live prosperous lives. There are many suggestions that famous directors and actors have AS. Don't feel like you're 'disabled' with your diagnosis; you were 'you' before being given a label. Go go, work hard and make something of yourself.

Goodluck phillipprostron!


I think he had plain old autism. Not PDD-NOS nor AS, just autistic. His was very severe.

