is it just me or...
would anyone else have shot that kid instead of going through all that trouble to save him. He made my ears bleed.
sharewould anyone else have shot that kid instead of going through all that trouble to save him. He made my ears bleed.
Well, the boy realy wasn´t loveable, but that was the point! Bruce had to risk his life for an ugly, unpleasant child, who will never understand, what he had undergone to save him. It´s too easy to risk for a lovely child!
yep. gitting on my tits too - enough to stop watching the film and start revising for exams.
i can put up with crap story lines and cheesy black & white cut scenes, but there is a limit.
oh... what the hell is up with the sound effects every time he reads the puzzle? (i doubt matsui had cheap sfx when he analysised des s-boxes)
ignorant? enlighten me.
sharei cant believe some ppl in this world. its not the childs fault he is autistic some ppl are just fckin rude and if i met one of you, you'd seriously be sorry! my little sister is autistic. u ppl need to be shot urselfs.
shareI agree, what's wrong with some of you people. People who are authistic just had some bad luck, they were born different(different does not mean that they are any less human than anyone of us).I just don't get some people, do you even stop to think before you say something. Man, if you ask me you are the retarded ones.
shareI totally agree that the people in the beginning of this thread know next to nothing about autism...
Wanna do your research and be able to speak intelligently about autism? Go to
And then put yourself in the shoes of an autistic persons parent. I wouldn't care if my child was severely autistic or schizophrenic, or a quadrapalegic... They're no less a person than u or me.. And trust me, there are annoying people out there that have NO neurological problems
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" :)
I want to make the same comment here that I made to my wife when watching this film, in regard to the stupid cops and other authorities that labeled Simon as "retarded" or "diminished"- The level of ignorance of these people is staggering. I am the parent of an autistic child, turned 7 on March 5th, and I was heartbroken at the way the character of Simon was treated by almost everyone in the film, with the exception of Mr. Willis' character. I could totally identify with Simon's parents, and wept for them when they were killed. In our case, my wife and I are fortunate that our son Carson is a high-functioning Autistic, meaning that he shows almost no impairment due to his condition- he can function in a regular classroom seeting with his peers, and can generally interact with his surroundings and family like a 'normal' child. He is actually labeled as having 'autistic tendencies', but thankfully he can grow up to lead a normal life. What I found especially touching was that Mr. Willis' character cared for this child for the very reason that almost all the other adult characters didn't- Simon was a defenseless child in a world that didn't understand how special he is. Thank God that there really are adults like this in the world, to make up for all the ignoramuses like those that started this thread.
Believeing in Karma as I do, I am sure that those who spoke so uncaringly and ignorantly will get their just rewards, and will be forced to change their opinions about children with Autism by the circumstances to come in their lives. In the meantime, perhaps they will learn to think before they speak.
I think what everyone else is trying to say is why is that boy more important than the lives of all the undercover agents? By keeping that kid alive they were all at risk, and the movie never explains how that is resolved. The ugly truth is that in real life they really would kill the kid or at least send him someone he could never be found. This makes the hero and the 'cause' of the movie completely irrational, illogical and frustrating. As the kid isn't very palatable due to his unfortunate autism that means that the audience isn't really even rooting for the hero to keep him 'safe' at the expense of national security. The really stupid scenes are the special forces agent trying to get the kid by killing the parents, and the helecopter scene. In other words, the movie sucks.
shareSince when is this boy (or any child, for that matter) LESS important than undercover agents? The boy was a material witness in a murder investigation after all-- and you must have a pretty narrow view of law enforcement to think that police and other law enforcement officers think their lives are more important than the people they are sworn to protect. They put their lives in jeopardy every day for the sake of protecting the innocent and the 'guilty' alike (remember that our justice system is supposed to presume that a person is innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law). The real crime in this film is that it paints law enforcement in a bad light, because the ONLY law enforcement officer who was willing to protect this little boy- regardless of his condition- was Bruce Willis' character. THAT'S the real crime here.
Any commentary about this film based on how 'annoying' or 'insignificant' the boy was is based on pure ignorance- plain and simple.
this is the first time i've seen this movie. and the responses galled me that people just dismissed the little boy as expendable. due to his autism. i may not understand it, but i can empathize.
shareI've gotta say, I watched this for the first time and, not knowing before hand what year it was made, those sound effects when he was reading the code made me think it was around 1993/1994
When I realised it was made in 1998 I nearly laughed, especially when I thought about the bit where Bruce is using the PC in the library and it's busting out all those old school sound effects, like he's on an Amstrad or something.
Half decent film though.
Do you see?
people aren't saying he's expendable because he's autistic, they're saying it because he's one kid weighed up against a whole bunch of agents. the autism has nothing to do with it. i will say that the actor played it very well, though.
'But Colonel, Margaret may be missing!'
'I see. So, naturally, you shot Captain Hunnicutt'
Frodo, you need to go back to the starting post for this thread and read it again (or for the first time). This thread was started with the comment that the kids was really annoying and therefore should be killed, plain and simple. I stand by my earlier comments.
sharehe he i woulda let him die autistic or not that has nothin to do wit it to me. i just wouldnt have cared about him. what a great actor he is though i really thought they had an autistic actor amazing job. great movie to imo. 8/10.
shareOk, i agree that the screaming was annoying, but come on, he has a disability. And to go as far as shooting him yourself. WTF how dumb are you people?