MovieChat Forums > Mercury Rising (1998) Discussion > Serious plot flaw in the hospital

Serious plot flaw in the hospital

I enjoyed this movie a lot, but on my second viewing I realised there`s a serious weakness in the story, in the scene where Bruce Willis returns to the hospital and finds that Simon has been moved to another ward. Why did the villains move him to another ward? Surely they would have just killed him? It makes no sense at all.


Because there were police watching over the kid. That's why if you watch it again, the nurse said to Bruce Willis Simon's parents asked the kid to be moved. The villians were going for anonymity that's why they just couldn't kill them with all the cops around.


Plus the first ward Simon was in was a locked psychiatric ward so the killers wouldn't be able to access him without a nurse or doctor letting them in.

Move the kid to an open ward where people come and go all the time and it's much easier to get at him.

Heard you were swearing. Mind if I join in?


also it's a method of disorentation. Austics are hyper aware, change of any kind is terrifying. I have cerebral palsy, and i'm a college professor, but still get disorentation.


They couldn't touch Simon in a secure word so they made a bogus request, pretending to be his parents, to move him to the childrens word which had much less security. The real question is how the hospital didn't realize it was fake, considering his parents were dead. The one doctor told the detective that Simon couldn't be a reliable witness to question. This scene implies that the hospital was notified about the deaths.


Yeah i never understood how the hospital didn't know his parents wern't dead.
And the fact that they had never seen the German guy before in the hospital.
(Was he German?) Surely someone would have reliased he didn't work there.


Best guess, other people in the hospital knew but that particular receptionist didn't and thought it was a straightforward request without getting her facts right.


There were many flaws, though I'm not sure this was one of them. When the assassin is chasing Willis through the hospital, he's acting like a maniac not like a professional operative. Once Willis spots him, he should have been out of there, not running around waving a gun. Instead of Willis stealing an ambulance, he should have gotten behind a heavy door and called the police. The villian is the one who has something to hide. Afterwards why was there a warrant for Willis when there was an obvious attempted murder? Was everyone in the hospital blind? The whole hospital sequence made no sense at all. Later the assassin is again killing someone right in the open with hundreds of witnesses...riduculous.
