I remember watching this thing over and over again on Pay Per View back in 1999... the sweaty jerky shots of a sweaty coked up JCVD in a RICKSHAW race, a crazy super zoom of a cell phone going through Hong Kong to JCVD's cell at the speed of sound, a miniature rickshaw being crushed, Schneider wiping an eel on JCVD's ass, durians being used as weapons, GREEN FLAME, hot V-six Jean models, an epic final 20 minute fight on a freight liner, visually innovative shots such as a camera that was able to get inside the shoe of JCVD as he puts on a Knock Off puMMa or how when Rob is taking a piss, the two agents slams a newspaper against the wall, our POV zooms in from inside the wall, THROUGH the newspaper (wow!) and onto Rob's goofy face. So cheesy, yet the story is compelling, and the visuals are well done. This is definitely Hong Kong during 1997, even the BMW JCVD drove in the beginning is worthless today.
The best line of the movie? JCVD: "I want to go out with my repetition in-tacked, I always make a quality piece of crap". How prophetic (this movie was made in JCVD's worst years)!
PS. The agent that was with Rob who was hanging off a rod held by Marcus Ray, on the rooftop, looks a lot of Bill Gates (with his sunglasses on at least).