The Deal With This Movie...
You guys know what the deal with this movie is? People nowadays are startng to think that if a movie is a bomb a the box office, it is a bad movie. Completely UNTRUE! I would't even call this movie a true bomb, it has done better than most movies would hope for.
Just because a movie makes less than expected at the box office, does not make it a bad movie. I found this movie pretty funny, yea, it has some okay joes, but I found myself crying laughing at some of the parts.
Another problem, people are just overanalyzing the movie. I hate when that happens. I don't think this movie was actally made to analyze fully, unlike one of Jeff's movies "The Fly".
It has some drama, comedy, and love in it. The complete package, and putting the cherry on top, was that fabulous cast! Jeff Goldblum, Eddie Murphy and Kelly Preston (although I was completely jealous of her parts with Goldblum). Good movie, definately award-winnng material.
Always an active duty Jr. American Gladiator!