I think this movie has low rating because it's a shítty movie, a bad rip-off of a much better movie, a 'vehicle for Murphy' - a comedian, whose repetitive schtick had lost its novelty a long time ago.
A bad movie = low rating.
Makes sense to me.
Murphy is a really fun and funny comedian with powerful screen presence, and he deserves to be rich and famous, but this movie proves that he can also be pretty gosh-darned AWFUL, unfunny and his stuff can look TIRED and awfully obsolete to look at.
It's like.."we've seen all this before, why are you still doing this and nothing new?"
It's not the worst movie I have ever seen, and the trash I have seen during the last couple of years is SO horrendous, I had to reinvent my whole scale just to do justice to the level of crap that now I know exists, so this movie is not that bad - but the problem is, it's not that GOOD, either.
It's a bit too vague, a bit too plodding, a bit too predictable, and a bit too 'mysterious' for its own good, while being too boring to be this 'mysterious'.
I won't believe for a second that someone like Murphy can be 'God'. Morgan Freeman, sure (though why does God always have to be BLACK? WHy can't he just be 'universal', as in no-gender, no-race 'everything' with no discernable shape, and definitely not some bipedal form-imprisoned entity!)