Lila Downs would have been a great Frida
No offense to Hayek, but the first time I saw Lila Downs perform on and award show (this was before I saw the movie FRIDA) I thought, Wow she looks more like the real Frida Kahlo. And it is not that Salma doesn't look like Frida, because she does somewhat. It's just that Lila Downs has a little more height and a presence that can be slightly masculine enough to pull off the side of Frida that enjoyed women and dressed like a man (I saw a picture of Kahlo in a suit and she looked really good as a guy.) And yet Downs is beautiful enough to be the more femininely dressed Frida.
I know the movie came to fruition because of Hayek's great efforts, so she had every right to play Kahlo and I think she did a good job of it. But I still say Lila Downs would have been amazing as Kahlo even if she's not an actress. As a singer Downs puts a lot of emotion into the songs she performs, so I'm sure with some training she could have turned out a great performance as Frida.
And if not her or Salma, I'm sure they could have cast an unknown who came across more Kahloish. I know it's too late to change who played Frida, but just thought I'd share my thoughts.