MovieChat Forums > Dirty Work (1998) Discussion > What happened to the music of 1998?

What happened to the music of 1998?

Does anyone remember that music around 98-99? It was awesome! Eagle Eye Cherry, Third Eye Blind,Counting Crows, Gin Blossoms, Cranberries, Marcy Playground, Fuel,Seven May Three, Collective Soul. The music in that tiny time frame was weird but pretty original, right?

There's an album called The Buzz that has most of this stuff on it if anybody is interested. I was a Sophmore in High School then so yeah I'm a fan.

"In the near future ball players will be signing billion dollar contracts and minimum wage will still be $7.25."
-my prediction



Britney Spears & Backstreet Boys!


yea buddy, third eye blind's semi charmed life represents the 90's.


That crap all sucks. You have bad taste in music.



If reincarnated,I'd return to Earth as a killer virus to lower population levels.
-Prince Phillip


nah, eff those haters in their b's, I'm with ya standrkm my brother.
the 90's will be remembered as one of the most diverse periods in music so far.
the birth of Alt, Grunge, Electronica, Trip-Hop, Pop-Punk, Ska and when Hip-Hop really took off big.
The 90's kicked major musical ass. anyone that cant see that is either too old or too young. and therefore dont matter anymore/yet =D

and before anyone wants to get all 'Internet smart' on my butt, yes I know some of those genres existed before the 90's, but I'm just saying they got huge during the 90's. so dont quibble.


I can't even remember what the 2000's had. I guess emo and now this screamo junk. I did like some emo for a while don't get me wrong but man it seemed to turn into some kinda everyone can do it situation. Right now the music industry has been over run by corruption. A bunch of hollow eyed nothing coming out except in the underground imho. I do like MGMT and Muse though. I just bought the Edge cd's pretty freakin' good.

If reincarnated,I'd return to Earth as a killer virus to lower population levels.
-Prince Phillip


I'd check that Edge comp out, but I think I already have most of those songs, or at least the ones I'd want.

yeah, Emo wasnt too bad at its inception. alot of bands like Weezer, Get-Up Kids, Fugazi, The Cure, Sunny Day Real Estate, Jimmy Eat World, The Smiths (and on and on) were doing "emo" or had elements of" emo" in their music from way back. I think At The Drive In and Dashboard were the last emo/emo-ish bands I remember liking. Then it all kinda went downhill once it went mainstream (like most music does). Its funny, I have a teenage sister and I'm always trying to steer her towards good music, but she insists that these current bands are amazing. She even talked me into taking her to see The Warped Tour last year. what an aural nightmare that was! lol

I'd love to say her music is just bad, but then I think, my parents thought the same thing once. so I've come to the conclusion that its all subjective and that we can each only appreciate what we have and what came before us, but not after. because sad as it is, everyones ears just get "old" at some point. I think maybe its a survival mechanism, lol


Yeah I think we all go through thses phases but for good reason. For em the genres wear thing after a few years, mostly due to corporate bastards. I was really into country as a kid because well it was great all the way up to 93 I think. Shania Twain and all these idiots singing now ruined it. But that's ok because I then got to experience more great music. I re-discovered grunge, freakin alice in chains, the metal gods metallica, stevie ray vaughn, def leppard, the cure, steve earle, some great rap like immortal technique and mystikal, even folk like townes van zandt who was a genius, and I'm a huge Beatles fan now. As long as it sounds good and isnt a retarded, materialistic, soda pop song, I'll check it out. I haven't listened to the radio in I sh** you not, over 10 years. I though pop, rock, and country were all going through a shi**y phase but it still hasn't ended so I give up on mainstream music. I'm into the underground stuff now. Its more than just a coincidence in my opinion that the same handful of crappy singers with crappy songs keep making it big and staying at the top for so long, but thats another story.

Warp tour must have been pretty rough, I missed woodstock 99 and still regret it though. I think that people can listen to whatever they want, but the problem is that they dont know what they want because they arent given or cant find any other options. I guarantee my youngest brother will look back on his life and tell me in 10 years that I was completely right about the jonas bros, bieber, and all of those other puppets. Its a maturity thing I guess like when I hear a rap song I liked 10 years ago about spinners, which is one of the dumbest songs ever now that I'm older.

If reincarnated,I'd return to Earth as a killer virus to lower population levels.
-Prince Phillip


youre so spot on in some of your points. me and some mates were having the same debate over at a Hip-Hop site I help run and opperate, lemme go find a few of the best quotes to post...(the topic was if/when we'll ever see another Hip-Hop Classic emerge or something along those lines)...

"but as far as “Classic” status goes with music, I think it goes all the way to evolution. follow me now…, in the grand scheme of the universe, we’re just a blip born yesterday. so if you think of it in those terms, all the music we consider classic was put into that category because we as a species were just figuring out this new thing called “music”, cracking the “code”.
But now we’ve been doing it for alot longer, and the “code” isnt a secret anymore, its out there for everyone to consume and regurgitate into something “new”, but its not new anymore.
“there is nothing new under the sun” – The Bible (<—its a rare occasion that I'll quote the Bible). Basically its not that music isnt good or the cost (EDIT: fyi standrkm, we had also been debating if the internet and filesharing were destroying music, hence the cost comment), its that all music is SO much better, that in order to be a classic, artists have to re-invent the wheel. and thats a huge task. so yeah…I think all we can hope for anymore is "good" music. its kinda sad really….but at the same time, its good motivation for artists to TRY to reach a new plateau, even if they never get there…" - Me, "Verbose" on that site

"I’m glad you decided to tackle this topic fam. Good read! I kinda agree with what Verbose is saying and add this, that most of what we consider classic, we associate with personal times in our lives. Granted, the Golden Age put up some of the most brilliant Hip Hop albums ever, but unanimously, we tend to associate good albums with times in our lives. When you couple that with the majority of folks that label things “classic” (in terms of older albums) grew up with Hip Hop. So while I personally won’t consider 90% of what’s out today even in the running for that title, I can understand some 15 year old saying otherwise.
The argument of “will we be playing that in 20 years” doesn’t really stand either. I mean, when was the last time any of us rocked Paid In Full on full blast? Don’t worry, I’ll wait (for someone to come say I listened to it just last week, I do it all the time). Meanwhile, someone is playing No Hands right now like it’s the first time they heard it." - Saule Wright, one of our better Album Reviewers and a personal bruh of mine

"true words SW. its a really strange phenom when you get to think about it. every generation seems to be able to appreciate the music that came before them, but eventually their ears “get old” and they stop being able to feel the newest music. our parents felt their parents music and their music but not our music, we felt all of that and our music but not our younger siblings/children’s music, and this next generation feels all of that plus Lil B and whatever else is hot right now, and so on and so on, ad infinitum…
I used to believe that Classic music had to be felt by anyone, of any age/race/other factors to really be Classic. (Thriller, Are You Experienced?, Paul’s Boutique, Abbey Road, everybody can add 100…), but if “we” cant feel the next Generation coming up and we sound just like our parents (“its all a buncha *beep* then there is no universal Bell Curve and its all up to personal interpretation, and like you said, “that” place in time when “that” album was felt by “that” generation.
its kinda scary to think that we can each only appreciate the Past, Our Present, but not necessarily The Future…
(and before anyone wants to be a jerkoff, yes I know I contradicted my previous statements a bit, but we’re getting into abstract musical theory at this point, there is no “right” answer and its ok to second-guess yourself)"-- Verbose, me again

anyway, thats just a snippit of that whole long dissussion.

as someone who also enjoys older Country, the "classics", the underground, and ADORES anything Beatles related, I gotta say, I think you'd fit right in in our lil musical community. I'm not even being biased when I say our album Reviewers are some of the best in the business, and our tight knit community in our forums is a beast in its own right. (not to memtion we talk Movies, TV and Pop Culture almost as much as we do music)

I'm not here to promote on IMDB, cause I dont come here to do that and besides I think itd frowned upon/against the rules, but I deff think you'd fit right in because we dissuss new/old movies and new/old music all day long in there.

so as one of the site Admins, I'm extenting a virtual hand out to ya and youre welcomed to be down if you wanna be. just PM me for the site address if youre interested, and if you not, thats cool too, you cant hurt my feelings =D

and FYI, if anyone else read this and also wants the details, just PM me. everybodies welcome at my/our site regardless of age/color/creed/etc.



Yep, I miss all of that music. This movie has a good soundtrack!


It seemed like that Semi-Charmed Life song was in every movie back then.
