MovieChat Forums > Deep Impact (1998) Discussion > What would you do if you knew the world ...

What would you do if you knew the world would end in a year?

We all live with a death sentence hanging over our heads, but most of us distract ourselves, knowing we have decades of life ahead of us, and we plan and live accordingly. However, with only a year left, long range planning goes out the window.

What about your grudges?

Feelings about wealth, relationships, status, employment, status symbols, etc?

Would your priorities change?


I would become a sex machine to all the chicks! Sorry Ike borrow your line...


But what if the chicks don't see you as a sex-machine? lol!!!!.....

I would become Religious.(the religion I would choose would be Islam as it simply makes more sense to me then any other religion-even when am of protestant background)..Therefore would Travel to Mecca/Medina for Pilgrimage)... I would travel the World. I would try to better the lives of many people possible in any way shape and form. I would make Peace with everybody even if there was no Peace to be made..I would repent any wrong doing/sins I ever did..I would spend much time with my Family as possible..And lastly will try to dig a under-ground shelter if possible, even if I have no chance of surviving, you just never know what can happen.

I would also do my utmost best to get in-contact with N.A.S.A and try my best to hang about with them hoping I could get into a space-ship and perhaps live in Space or the Moon or Mars (providing they have the capabilities because we never know what N.A.S.A and European/World Space Agencies are capable of-whether they indeed have Space-ships made or whathaveya)...Or I may let the unfortunate people of the world i.e third world people, people with illnesses, people who lived in war-zones, poverty, sad upbringing etc take my place with N.A.S.A or in a under-ground shelter, and die with honor..


You would choose Islam? You can't just choose what to believe in, you believe what you believe. You don't just choose the religion because it makes most sense, you have to believe in the whole mythology, even the most absurd bits of it. Otherwise, if your chosen God happens to be the correct one out of the hundreds our cultures have created for ourselves, he/she/it would know straight away (being omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent etc.) that you are lying and just claiming to follow that religion when you really don't. Oh my goodness this is why statistics show the huge percentage of people who are still religious these days. They're just plain ignorant and become religious for stupid reasons that slow us down as a species. I like to think deep down that people who claim to be religious are really actually better than that.


I agree.


I would become Religious.(the religion I would choose would be Islam as it simply makes more sense to me then any other religion-even when am of protestant background)




I would become Religious.

That isn't how it works. You simply do not "become religious" without faith. If you simply start reciting scripture, you're just reading words. You would be as the Bible puts it, a hypocrite. In short, it's faith and not religion that saves you.


As an American, your chances of returning home with your head is not great. And who is to say that at the end of the world Islam would not launch a last Great Jihad?



I would not remain calm.

I would start hoarding. But in the end money and things wouldn't matter.

I would not want to live without my family. I'd want to go on my own terms. But I'll be damn if I let a wave hit me!

Sheldon:"Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? Because you might have been watching Nickelodeon."


Grab everyone I care about, sell as much of our stuff as possible, hunker down somewhere inland as secluded as humanly possible, and tell everyone I love them every day until its all over. Honestly, I wouldn't pay much attention to the presidents "it might cross our path" bullsh!!t...if he's at the point of announcing it, we're getting hit, period.

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?


Resign from my job, sell all my non-essential stuff to anyone who wants to buy, if I could. If not then donate it someone, take my money and travel all around the world. There are so many places I want to see before I die. I'd also download as many songs and ebooks as I can off p2p. If the world is going to end in an year, screw grudges, employment, status, religion, prayer and trivial stuffs like those. Nothing of that matters. I would just like to die without regrets. Oh and I'd like to spend my last days somewhere in Alaska. :)

My job is to watch stupid movies and complain about them on IMDB


I would add get wasted a lot ... do all sort of drugs and stuff

- Thundering chords is what life's all about - Gerre


Make the world's biggest, most powerful catapult.

buy a small self-inflating raft.

tuck the raft under my arm.

strap on a parachute.

sit on the catapult.

when the wave came crashing down...boingggg!


The question seems somewhat rhetorical.




Salma Hayek

She's a man, it's a sled, he's dead already.


I'd travel the world, anything can happen to you when you set off on a jouney like that. And during that time I'd do everything to enjoy every second left of my life and make others happy.


Run around in circles, screaming, waving my hands in the air.

Might pee myself too.

...and don't point your fooking tentacles at me!
