Better than the sequel

A good film, slightly better than the "sequel", Erin Brockovich. Ok, not an actual sequel, but the two films do share many scenes with similar riffs:

* Paranoid parents observing their kids in contact with the suspect water.
* Employees of the guilty corporations who come forward to save the day
* Dead or dying children used to highlight callous corporate greed.
* Large law firms treating our hero's (small law firms) with disrespect
* Personal sacrifice by the main character


Well, (pun on water!), contaminated water (well pun,not intended!) is a common theme to both those movies.


You scared me there for a sec. saying it has a sequel. GOOTTAAA SEEE ITTTT!

Though Erin Brockovich has all the accolades this movie is way better and I dont even want to get into how Erin slutted her way through the film. This movie is about real lawyers doing real hard work and losing it all in the quest for justice.
