Posts are just animal cruelty propaganda!
Yeah, it swings both ways, babe!
We can debate endlessly about 'animal rights', and what 'propaganda' really means, but you run that kind of risk with basically any movie/cartoon with antropomorphic animals, especially if there are prey and carnivore animals. I think Madagasgar tried to juggle these things as well - I mean, if animals are sentient, wouldn't it be worse than slavery to eat them?
(Of course, sentience shouldn't be required for empathy - what about people that are in coma or have brain damage, is it OK to put them into a slaughterhouse and eat their flesh?)
Then there are movies like 'Babe' (and my foreshadowing up there becomes obvious now) and such, which reportedly HAVE made some people think twice about the thoughtless norm of animal abuse and cruelty that people accept as an unavoidable fact of life, but only if it's some specific animals (how hypocritical is it to have a pet that you looove sooo muuuch, but then feed other, innocent and cute animals to, as if it's nothing..?)
It's not about 'animal rights', it's about cruelty, sadism, torture, murder, eating unhealthy corpses as 'food' somehow, and thinking it's normal.
But then you come here to post that a movie that points out that chickens might NOT love being murdered so evil people can eat their flesh, is suddenly some kind of 'animal rights propaganda'..? That's a bit much.
Look, you can be as evil as you want, but you don't dictate how people are allowed to see things, or what information they are allowed to have and access.
For the truth, you might want to seek and watch a documentary called 'Meet Your Meat', as old as it is, it should give you at least some perspective.
Now, who is the propagandist - those that want to breed ignorance, stop people from thinking, stop people from accessing different perspectives than the mainstream 'normal' one that we've all been brainwashed to accept as if there's nothing strange about buying some poor animal's muscles to then fry them on a pan and shove them to push more cholesterol in our body to cause us heart and cardiovascular problems before the rotting flesh installs itself to our bowels to cause us more healt problems later..
...or the ones that want to offer as much information about a topic as possbile, so people can AT LEAST make informed choices, even if they end up being the cruel ones?
Dismissing a perspective as propaganda is the REAL propaganda here... this movie is not 'animal rights propaganda', it's just another movie that has to tackle the collective cognitive dissonance caused by 'animals are cute' vs 'it's normal to murder animals for their flesh'.
When you antropomorphize animals in a movie, this insane juxtaposition simply clarifies.
Clarity is not propaganda.