
Is it the same music as the great escape?



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james newton howard has nothing to do with this film

try film scored by harry gregson williams and john powell as well as several other



The music was one of the best I've heard in recent film.



The music was deliberatly made to sound like the great escape, especialy at the begging of the film.

What's the situation?
Two blokes and a fu*ck-load of cutlery!


yeah. the whole time i watched that movie i kept thinking of chicken run. haha. there are just too many similarities.

this is piss, piss with ink.


The original score is by John Powell and Harry Gregson-Williams, with a couple of uncredited cues by Hans Zimmer. Many homages to other films in here, not the least of which is an obvious nod to the Great Escape. Lots of original stuff, though, too, and the whole album is a lot of fun.
